MISSING 5-YEAR-OLD: Where is Summer Wells? | COURT TV


MISSING 5-YEAR-OLD: Summer Wells was reported missing on June 15th. Anyone with information is asked to contact either the …


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@daniellethomas2915 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

Oh I didn’t realize they did bring blood hounds but they didn’t pick up a scent.

@pamelabird3008 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

They're sitting there lying they're the ones that did it they want to blame everybody else but mistakes you scumbags

@mesayso7095 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

The mom makes it hard! Who was watching this child?

@charlotteswebbing March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm


@charlotteswebbing March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

Any new updates ?

@judyjennings3244 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

how can anyone sell there child ,,what a mess up world

@annissa5356 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

This poor baby🌷🤍🌷

@tennessegirl1108 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

candus and don don't have a heart' or they would tell were they put summer

@DirtyLaundryTrueCrime March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

Grandus is the reason they were out that day. Harer was also the one who called mom away when Summer disappeared.
According to Allie, she was originally supposed to adopt Summer.
And now…she's gone while her daughter is facing a firestorm.
Lots of coincidences.

@danayager March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

Did they dig up the flower bed where they said they were planting flowers??

@maeerae9778 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

Thought I'd put this out there now for all the Psychics, opinionators, theorists and those who appear to just simply despise the Wells family, be aware of the legalitys and understand that data protection aswel as the term "Without Prejudice" is NOT a cloak or protector against deformation, slander and illegal distortion of an investigation any investigation especially that of missing children. I won't disclose what my job is but what I can advise to those who want to listen, is that, to date, the Wells family will be, without a doubt, in a position to take legal advise proceeding to prosecutions under the acts of deformation of character, slander and miss-use of a number of section acts under the use of online social media – of course, if there surcums to zero findings against them which so far, is the case.

Perhaps many are not aware of these violations but so far it appears that many are violating a number of laid bare legislations that apply in most countrys especially USA and Tennessee carrys these legislations and Acts as with all.

In a nut shell, this means that if Mr Wells & Ms Bly are not guilty then many many people will be liable for prosecution under the said legal terms and legislations. Bear in mind that social media hold all information even if you think you have deleted it, nothing is ever deleted from systems, devices relating to internet use, I repeat NOTHING is ever DELETED from any internet connectable device, not even with encryption, know that!!!

Many people would be seriously concerned if they were aware of the breeching they have already commited and remember, you 100%, can be imprisoned, can be forced to sell your homes and anything you may have of value. The worst will be the naming and shaming, trust when I say that most violators are more broken on their names being shamed in association with disrupting an investigation following false accusations.

There is zero evidence to show that this family are guilty and any evidence that may have been, could have been diverted due to the amount of theorists who overloaded with wrong information based purely on a theory. For that fact, little Summer Wells could have been missed in the search, but searches were diverted into directions based on "theorys" meaning effectively, all those that opinionated and accused wrongly, made it so Summer could not be found and potentially alive. Fact!

You must remember before you state your theorys, accusations and opinions, that the Wells family will be given legal advice and on that, they can act and there will not be one judge in the world that will condone all the accusations via opinions and theorys right from the very start of the search on 15 June 2021. Name calling is insulting for all of us but persecuting a distraught family who have lost a child, firing accusations daily through thoughts,  theorys and opinons will have heavy consequences if the Wells family are NOT guilty. Two things that should always be at the forefront of all theorists minds when dealing with a case as sensitive as this –
1) Never ever judge a book by its binding, Serial killers didnt get away with more than 3+ killings because society didn't like the way they looked or spoke. The best criminals are apt calculators, some very rich, highly educated, the nicest warmest person you could ever meet, this personality type can manipulate the hardest of personality, the Wells family are NOT this personality type nor do they uphold an ability to murder, believe me when I say, when you study murderers up close and personal for long enough, you can spot them a mile away before they even see you! This family have no traits nor mindset to allow capability to murder especially a child moreso their own child. Do not compare past violations with muder capabiltys, there is no comparison.

2) Becareful what you speak for one word can change a paragraph from fiction to illegal with repercussions. If you carry a void of proof then silence is the safest action. Never ever accuse before evidence!

@xerxessonofdarius1969 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

She is high as a kite.

@Phillips_284 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

They sold her…..im sure they did..like her aunty who went missing also years ago…father talked about her being in a dungeon ……he sold her to traffickers

@lynncollver6067 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

This IS a hyperactive child who can be there one minute, gone the next. As a Mom of ADHD/hyperactive kids now grown, I can assure you that what I have said is true ..as for Momma's timeline, not being unkind but with what appears to be a phone / TikTok addiction as well as other issues like ptsd,etc, I would question her timeline but would tell you she is doing the best she can .. only God knows the truth but He does know . Prayer matters it if we do it . Btw: why don't you mention how many kids went missing this week in just Tennessee? And in all of America.

@mandieduckworth2610 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

15 years ago my baby sister was murdered. She had only been 17 for a month. She was with a "friend" and that "friend" supposedly dropped her off at her driveway so the vehicle didn't wake the dogs. Bc they had 3 Doberman. Well, just from my experience of physically talking with the "friend" that dropped her "off" these parents have something to hide. We searched for my sister for 2 weeks. Ldt after ldt of the "friend" but it was only after the "friend" showed up for a 5th ldt with blood on there shoe's, the law enforcement was able to get a search warrant. 2 weeks later we found her naked body, with only her torso wrapped in a black trash bag, down a revin behind the "friend's" house. Blood scattered in the "friend's" room. 2 weeks of lies and searching. Being on Nancy grace. 2 weeks of pure hell. I can 110% assure you that the only eyes that were not red and puffy from crying and the only person not searching night and day. Was the "friend's". Just like these parents. The story doesn't add up. How do you say grandma gave her candy and watched sweet summer walk to the porch but mom said she was ask the boys to watch her. Mom you just stated you were outside. I see absolutely no new plants outside of that house. All I see if trash and weeds. It's also sad that law enforcement more than likely knows the outcome of this situation but they have protocol to follow until there is a slip up or clear evidence is found. I pray with all I have that Summer is found safely and that I am completely wrong. I just don't feel good about this situation. I know the hell that myself, family members and true friends along with our community went through for 2 weeks. The sleepless nights, forgetting to eat and I promise none of us were given nothing to help with our nerves except God, the Bible and Hope. These parents sicken me. Justice will be served. I pray so hard for this Beautiful little girl. I pray that our heavenly father holds on to her tightly. I pray that this story is solved quickly.

@scarlettbutler2873 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

MOM ……" I know she didnt walk away from this property by herself or off this yard BY HER SWING, I feel in my heart that somebody has come up here and took her and lured her away from here…. By her swing? That does not make sense. None of this makes sense. No one came up to that isolated area, swooped up a tiny child and got away quickly. Hinky is the word.

@Lee-fh2wj March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

I think the mother and the grandmother have something to do with the disappearance of this little girl

@Agent_Lunicorn March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

Where were the Wells boys during the time Summer and Mother were swimming?
I can’t imagine the boys lying for Mom/Grandma to the FBI.. So who watch the boys that day? The 2 woman are hiding something! Dad would be angry if something happened to Summer which tells me it was Dad she was scared to tell not the police. This woman took Summer off the hill this is not an abduction!

@molly4077 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

They are so matter of fact that someone just took summer,, I know as a mother even the thought of that would make sick with sadness there is no way I could even function.
I seen a physic lady from Newyork went to tennessee and she feels candus has something to do with what happened, she said Summer was hit by a car and there were four people in the car and summer was thrown away in a black bag. I can't remember the full name twisted physic jucinta,, I can't remember the last name but she had a lot to say that made a lot of scene. In the sprit box session summer said her mommy hurt her.
This is so heartbreaking and the stories going around are getting worse by the day
I hope summer will be found soon God bless her. 🙏🏼💔🇮🇪🇺🇲😢🙏🏼

@ethelmarshall1466 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

Under the condition of Candus abusing substances and behavior , nothing surprises me of a cover up. With her mom.. last two with summer..

@ethelmarshall1466 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

I feel she is on the property.. flower bed, septic tank. Places that you would think its something else, but a place to hide someone but with no smell or evidence . Maybe a outhouse (toilet), ditch pipe, loft, et i know the police doing a hood job but also look up in trees. Cougars do take their kills up trees. Please find this innocent child. Its so simple of a disapearing that she has to be hidden. Dont mean any body killed her. Just cover up out of fear of CPS taking the boys. She might have hurt herself, have checked under grandma trailer? Its movable can be put back

@ethelmarshall1466 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

Just a thought… Since this home is remote. Have they checked the septic tank.?

@jeanninewriedt6150 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

They have 20 dogs n the mother said they bark at everyone .. yet no one heard the dogs 😕

@brendaevans9549 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

They need to notify Nancy Webber to see if she can locate Summer

@frausisu7465 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

Was she by her swing? Was she in the basement? Stories are conflicting.

@Cpoole7286 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

They have 20 dogs on the property. If a stranger was on the property; they would have known.

@kristanvw1563 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

I've been more upset about a pet dying than these two about their daughter. I understand they may possibly be on anxiety medication given the situation but this still doesn't set well with me.

@sandylipscomb7003 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

Why would they pick Summer???

@angienichols1248 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

Look at that area that they live. So much land to bury someone without them being found.

@javelin60 March 18, 2025 - 6:21 pm

I have a very bad feeling about this poor little girl.

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