Wild weather sweeps across the country as it continues to snow from Iowa to Michigan, President Trump is preparing to start …
Im a litte concerned about the majority of these comments NBC
My brother my son you are my child my brother 😽💘💘💘😽😘💘😘😘😘. I love you too baby boy Aaron Gilcrest
When only the wealthy remain , when schools no longer exist, will the world be bett,? Do all wealthy people agree? Just think the world may want to consider dumping governments all together,. Taxes, social security are taken out of paychecks everyday yet it. Is called an entitlement. We work for those funds,yet government “borrowed “ & never paid back to the SSI fund with interest as promised ,not an entitlement. Taxes are meant to to be used for our benefit , now departments have been closed. Seems we should tell government we will pay taxes, when money loaned to the government is returned to us with interest. Why have government, people are friends until government is involved. Just ready for the craziness to end . “NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION”. Since Congress no longer it’s to debate gets to debate or is allowed to debate issues but presidential orders are listed. It seems to me we’re not represented anymore. This government has nothing to do with me. I’m not represented.
The education department kicked God out of the schools, and turned the children into demons.
God bless Canada God bless the United Kingdom and the European as an American I’m shocked and ashamed of Rubio Trout mask ; as a lifetime Republican, ashamed of their betrayal of friends, their distain towards freedom, fighters and democracy; make true Republicans may real Christian stand up to Donald Trump musk
Trump says he doesn't need any thing from Canada. Why disappoint him..
People get with your payroll dept and I'm put a hold on your federal taxes being taken out until further notice. Trump guys everything and wants to send everything to the states we need to pay our state tax and if Trump is cutting funding the states are going to have to raise state taxes some. That's ok with me but our government doesn't need our money they are ripping everyone off. It's time to show all of our government they have nothing without the poor and middle class money. He is doing all this for tax breaks for the rich which is going to add to our debt. Trump can get the rich to fund the government. He is not helping the people we not going to help Washington by allowing them to think we are stupid. No money coming it may crash but he is doing it anyway then they are going to have to clean it and put back and fix it. Mess with the people you bit off more you can chew and we have had enough.
Instead blame an I note that child?
Who is the highest bidder?
So they're requiring people using SSI BENEFITS to go in person TO CLOSED SSI buildings…?
Це не тільки музика, це кіно, телебачення і театр і будівництво і, туризм і, все, що йде від мене особисто Дякую коханий знай я завжди була дома і завжди чекаю на тебе коханий мій Гамдан Аль Мактум.
Як що ви поважайте себе.
Тому що гроші, які крадуть все під себе в мене в інтернеті і в Україні, повернете все що награбали під себе в мене.
Всім буде допомога , від гадів в інтернеті проти гадів в інтернеті.
Все буде добре, як ми знаємо про все.
Бережіть себе, проти гадів в інтернеті.
Вам ніхто не розкаже, що проти мене ніхто не буде красти під себе в мене.
Будете обережні у всьому світі за кількістю населення
Щоб ви знали всі, гади роблять все проти мене, а я роблю проти гадів.
Гади роблять хімічну атаки проти людей.
Вірусів немає, це зробив гад , проти людства. Щоб мати дохід від всіх людей.
Bottling "raw water" in PLASTIC bottles for sale to health enthusiasts who don't want fluoride in their water. Isn't that an oxymoron?
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