LBC September & October 2017 IMPORTANT NOTICE: UPDATE: 1/10/17 – due to the pressure of exams through October …
Crikey..George breathes the same air as me. What a despicable person
How's your white enclave Sheila?
Our freedom of speech has gone. I'm not even allowed to say our freedom of speech has gone!!!
What is in these people's heads ?? Some lie to get their points across. It's nothing to with "the left"
What a clusterfuck of racism!!
OMFG some ppl are fucked in the head
This is evidence that they need to teach the true history of the Empire.
Racist bingo, “The way I see it” and “Basically”
Second call has to be a joke, because if he’s spent time in a hospital, the staff would surely have left him to rot!
Deadwoods. Perfect expression. That is how South Africa turned into a shithole. The farmers should evacuate until whoever is left dies a miserable death. And they will.
I am white and British and I hate this country
dave the thick racist
You. Traveled the world.
That simply makes you an international racist.I'm imbbersed for us.
Bruno Brizzi Maccaferri
First caller Dave. From Saltash. The well known hotbed of multiculturism.
I'm black myself but I kinda see where Jeff is coming from. It's true that if a white person says he's white and proud it'll be seen as racist versus if a black person says he's black and proud it won't.
Cant stand the women
george Alf garnett's stupider brother
Dave wants every other nationality to stay in their own place. yet he says that he has "lived, worked and loved" in many different cultures. I would say it was double standards but he probably cant count to two. Also, it must have been a great privilege for those other nationalities to be loved by good old Dave. i hope they were all English speaking.
If you learn new stuff it pushes out the old stuff. Homer Simpson
I love it when these Racist Liars turn around and say: "I'm married to a coloured person, so you can't call me a racist" hmmm …