The harrowing, vivid story of four Iraqi soldiers’ fight against ISIS. (Aired 2017) This journalism is made possible by viewers like …
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صنع في العراق
انا فخور بإخوتي هؤلاء. رفقاء السلاح والطفولة فخور لأنني عراقي
يعني كل اعقول ربع الجولاني الخنث يكدرون يوصلون الى كربلاء؟؟
لاتنسون الشهداء دوم ذمه بركبته الينساهم
اصبحو من الماضي 💪🏻
Israel Secret Intelligence Service
فعلا ادركت ان رجل الكامرا لا يموت عندما يشارك في تصوير الحرب الفعليه وهي التي حصلت في العراق الحمدلله لقد انتصرنا على داعش الذي كانت معضم دول العالم تدعمه
بزودكم تحررنا بزودكم عايشين بأمان نطلع نمشي وين ما نروح كله الفضل لله ثم لكم احنا خواتكم وبناتكم العراقيات ما ننساكم للموت والله تاج روسنا انتم ورفعة راسنا كل مده ومده ارجع اشوف الفيديو وكمية الفخر اللي تجيني لمن اشوف عدنا هيج زلم سباع قاتلت علمودنا علمود تحمينا ربي يرحم كل شهدائنا ويحفظ البقيه ويطول باعمارهم بحق محمد وال محمد
المعركة التي سحق فيها الإرهاب السني الداعشي
the sniper looks the mike the situation from jersey shore haha
38:43 كتلنا 6
respect from indonesia …
must respect the civilians during war why they send the civilian to check inside the door. idiot force
22:04 شسمه هذا وعايش لو لا؟
هذا بعد كرصت اذن مايلفون الغريب بديرتهم مثل داعش وغيره هذا درس للاهل الموصل والغربيه
ربي يرحمه ويرحم جميع شهدائنا الابطال
All the suffer around the world starts because of the USA. Sad World.
عراقين اصل حروب شي عادي عدنا
Ha sayyidi alam 500 barzah
Greable medan tempur
,zigzag mexan temlur
Balanc medan tempur
Metode ekting
Metode ekting medan temlur
Metode alam 500 jarak
ArH barat 20km
Arah timur 25 km
Arah utara 10km
Arah selTan13 km
Basick 7km poros
Alam 500 barzH medan tempur
Tegnologi galaxy
Alam 500
Metode medan tempur
amzaing documentary. So pure and real. Great footage
Terrorists are true believers of the Koran & true followers of the Prophet Muhammad.
Islam that has been contaminated with democratic values is the Islam of a liar (just looking for safety & enjoying democracy).
That is real Islam. Religion of war & far from peace. That's what is taught in the Koran.
All conflicts in the Middle East are a heavy price that must be paid because of their own destiny. But in fact it always blames western countries. If western countries do not intervene, it will be a threat to the world's non-Muslim minorities. Including non-Muslim minorities in Indonesia.
In fact, a Muslim who does not apply sharia law and the caliphate system and does not kill infidels is not a true follower of Muhammad. Islam forbids Democracy, but they enjoy western democracy to destroy democracy itself and will replace it with sharia law & the caliphate system. That is the goal & target of the Koran until the end of the world. So you still believe in all their devilish schemes?
That's the same as what Muslims do in Indonesia. If their fellow Muslims are in conflict, the non-Muslim minorities are safe. When non-Muslim minorities are the "target", they unite. So it is normal in the Islamic world. Their main target is non-Muslims. Meanwhile, their fellow Muslim brothers kill each other for the sake of religious ideology & power.