MUSIC INDUSTRY LEFT HER BROKE?! En Vogue's Dawn Robinson EXPOSES Living in Her Car for 3 YEARS!


In this powerful excerpt from the latest NIGHT SCHOOL episode, Marc Lamont Hill breaks down the heartbreaking story of Dawn …


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@Muslim_Sneakerhead March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

No doubt the Music industry should do better by her. But she can’t go get a job she can’t apply for assistance like other regular people. We highlight this because she famous but it’s everyday Americans dealing with this let’s find a way to shine a light on the problem America has and let’s help everyone?

@chiefsoze3272 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Why do we make excuses for people like this….this was her choice….her parents didn't kick her out….she wanted to leave….once you make millions….you owe to yourself to learn financial literacy….its way too many stories of black celebrities going broke…plus she's not ugly….she can get any man she wants….I'm sure its some honest working men out here would gladly wife her and move her in

@erictaylor6318 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Her choices made her broke. I am quite sure that drugs and psychiatric illness are playing a role here.

@bxrokk March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Sounds like she might be the problem. With her talent and years of experience she should have contacts who'll throw her a bone and book her for all types of gigs just to pay the bills. Either way she should have more options than living in her car.

@School_211 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Thats why we go to college to get a back up job when the fame ends!

@Joe-3sixty March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

I have listened to several of Dawn's interviews, I know all too well how what she described can affect someone emotionally. She can use help, if she can trust it's genuine. She'd likely accept it, however after going through what she has… Who can she actually put her trust in. The other EnVouge singers straight betrayed her and admitted to that SMDH. The entertainment industry has been racist vicious and even deadly for black people in the industry she's unfortunately in a LONG line of black entertainers with the identical grievance 🤨👀🤔❓‼️

@faustjoe March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

To me it seems the logical choice would be to leave LA for someplace cheaper. Maybe look at being a musical teacher to generate income.

@deacon8754 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

There are A lot of homeless people these days, families don’t know how to get along anymore, plus a lot of drugs and mental illness

@damonadams9640 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Hotel’s fam are better than nothing but 3k monthly absolutely not. It’s a financial trap. A cheap apartment would be better for sure. But now in your car there is only 1 thing to do from here & that is go all the way up.

@SirNigga March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

There's a real good reason you don't find exceptionall attractive women living in their cars everyday.

@aramboykin452 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

There are some unresolved challenges with this individual. Not sure if there is a quick fix

@yaakemet9408 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

It is not only the music industry but when you work for someone at the end of the day, you get screwed. Moral of the story, we have to make sure to save enough money and always find a few streams of business. And mostly Black people and Black family have to stick together.

@bert3163 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

If she were my family or friend I’d tell her to start from the bottom, like waitressing or whatever while her manager looks for gigs – commercials,, whatever. People might make fun of her when they find out, but that too shall pass.

@jamals.8786 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Someone with that level of talent living in their car is a shameful indictment of the music industry. She was part of a legendary group from the 90s, singing lead on many of their biggest hits. She deserves better.

@zachsmith3903 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Actually, poor financial choices will make a difference no matter how much money you've made. Not saying this is the case but if she has been reckless with her money, I'm not sure folks should come to the rescue.

@MrSpecialk77088 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Let get her a go fund me page racist get luv give her some love.

@nephiilim March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

She deserves what she wants. And if she doesn't want to do what other people expect her to do, that's her decision. She doesn't have to have any kind of mental issues whatsoever to live in a car. Anytime anyone goes against was considered normal, with automatically think something's wrong with them, and I get it, that's the human brain. But it's also the human brain to be able to analyze what you think you believe and know

@jacksondarryl34 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Something's not right! She doesn't have to stay in her car! It's by choice!

@jeffreybanks4494 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Several concerning things (besides the obvious optics stated in this video):
1.) Her Ex-Husband (who has a new fiancee and claims to have found GOD) offered her a job and she REFUSED
2.) She said in this video that SHE HAS AN ASSISTANT! How can she afford to do this and be living in her car FOR THREE YEARS!
3.) I understand "the hustle" to possibly "live out of your car" if you have a shoestring tour, I've heard struggle stories of possibly getting a van, having a twin-size mattress in the back to make it work & even people making close to 6-figures in the Bay Area being "functionally homeless". She's "televising the revolution"?! I think there are some unaddressed mental health issues here. Going into COVID five years ago, I made too much to get food stamps, but I didn't make enough to pay rent anywhere, so there was a period of time I working as a rideshare driver and living out of my car. Ideally, I'd NEVER broadcast that & people will see the struggle yet seldom help. Plenty of people in our age group, Marc would gladly open up their living space for Dawn to "couch surf" and I'd believe some would gladly do that "ni strings attached". Something isn't adding up and Jermaine Dupri even got on record speaking about it. I don't know about writing credits, but with royalties, there should be some place where she could live a modest life and maybe there would/could be a Geoffrey Owens "Trader Joe's" type of moment of living honestly and there's a come-up from there.
4.) This viral moment came conveniently after Terry and Cindy let Maxine back into En Vogue and her Lucy Pearl bandmate lost his brother to cancer in Tony! Toni! Toné! This story has gone a few days and you have not heard anybody she has sang with professionally come to her defense. There's ABSOLUTELY "more to the story" and things not being talked about. Dawn's mother may also have mental health issues, but it seems like we can't safely talk about "the elephant in the room" speculated without the offense of a Black person being portrayed as "crazy" and demonized. She may not have the Wendy Williams money for a guardian and/or conservator and I wonder when was the last time she performed anywhere (and what she was paid). While she went viral this week, I really don't think this video will help her to get booked more without an intervention.

I met Dawn Robinson in 1994 at the IAAAM Conference in Washington DC and got an autograph. She seemed like a lovely person. I've heard she could be difficult to work with (I think that manifested in TV-One's "R&B Divas: Los Angeles" Season 1), but I can't help but wonder what unaddressed issues led to this. I hope she gets the help she needs (financial, mental, if there's anything with substance abuse and/or if an unresolved hurt is causing a chain of self-destructive behaviors). For the LOVE OF GOD, I pray something positive shifts in her life before anything more abhorrent happens as we've lost too many legends already in the first 75 days of 2025.

@luvmifro March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Does the music industry have a special needs for housing? They have medical help.

@1steschelon March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

I am a small-time Music Manager and promoter in Detroit. And I do know that Dawn, as well as any former really famous artist singer performer. Can go out here and do the one thing that they are good at which is singing even more so. She can do a small Club to her and get as much as 5,000 a show if that's what she desires. However I do recognize that the music industry is hard and in some cases can tear you down to where even that which you love you don't want to do for whatever reason. And being in La she should be able to find work as a background singer the girls from Jade sing background for Rod Stewart and other people as well. Maybe she can begin to do that but I'm praying for her just the same. Because this music business is treacherous and crazy. And no one is above being one step away from homeless

@fredericovega5087 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

I'm so sorry to see you rise above it all and to fall down with "no one" to catch you😢 I've heard there was "black woman Unity," whatever happened to that🤔🤔🤔

@cinatroope6541 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

She's a good lookin woman. She's probably being taken advantage of by men as well. Obviously no family support, which opens women up to other's manipulation.

@leynan-ev6rz March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Back in December, a 57-year-old homeless woman was burned to death in a New York subway car. A man set her on fire as she slept.

Homelessness can be dangerous as hell, especially if you're older or vulnerable in some other way.

I do hope Dawn can be saved from this situation. 🕯🌹

@joycewilson7045 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

I wonder if she could have stayed with her mother and got two jobs and worked herself up. Being a celebrity can get you lost.You have to know how to live on the upside and the downside.

@renewashington791 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

My heart 💜 goes out to Miss Dawn 🥰 It’s times like these when one really wishes they could turn to “family” for support; however, Often times they make matters Worse.

@CPTMorada March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Regardless of not knowing the entire story, I wish her the best. She's so talented and down to earth. But it makes you wonder how someone with so many industry connections, that noone has stepped up to the plate to offer her some real assistance, or at least a nugget of opportunity, etc.. What happened to the Lucy Pearl crew? I heard she fell out with Rafael, but what about Ali Shaheed? And couldn't he connect her to active producer Q-tip? (who has a million connections, etc?)

Perhaps, in the end, it will take her fans to offer real support! Much love to her. ❤

@christinelomax3903 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Why aren't these industry people getting together to help her

@lwarfield52 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

I agree! Dawn deserve to have a place to live an apartment and to be safe.

@artjournalfriend March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

I agree. We need to get this done.

@Pure_KodiakWILD_Power March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Alot of turmoil in her life, but she still puts a good face on it. Praying for her and her people 🙏🙏🏽💞 …..I wouldn't say poverty and homelessness are the cause of issues; I would surmise they're the result. She was too talented, and worked too much to be in this position. She was probably exploited, stolen from and there could have been some other factors that lead to this.

@academicdeaneducation6671 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

"Soft life"? Sign me up! Does she, can she, will she work? With her celebrity, she could make a mint in sales.

@rrubens3026 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

Omg this breaks my ❤️. I absolutely loved this music group growing up they were super popular. Great memories with some is those songs.

@Smithworks2 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

This is a trending theme recently hearing of artists not getting their just due: Dawn, Angie, and Taraji. There must be an organization that assures that Black artists can pay for their lives after the party is over…to secure retirement. Let's start it. I have some ideas.

@Smithworks2 March 22, 2025 - 4:08 pm

I was just watching her videos when this popped up.

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