Pollster and communication strategist Frank Luntz joins CNN’s Jessica Dean to discuss a poll that shows where Trump stands …
Fake news again and again. We love Trump.
CNN nothing but Crap spreaders, Lies and propaganda
Don’t believe this one!
All that waste that doge has found just maybe if our elected officials would read those two thousand page bills before voting on them we wouldn’t need doge
Luntz looks like if morning breath was a person
It is not approved of nobody likes being thrown out of her job for no reason so maybe you should be thrown out at your job for no reason and see how you like it. That’s how the American people feel all Trump does is lie to us continuously and you know it.
Trump stands with Putin. He doesn’t stand with America.
Ppl are losing jobs,prices are going up.The economy is sh*t right now for us regular ppl (not billionaires) and jobs arent hiring now because they can deny you by race its sad..Dont come for me ppl its just my opinion
Looks like a Demo poll
I don’t understand the 47%. What do they see in Trump
Luntz is a Republican pollster, strategist, and messenger. He tries to sound neutral, pragmatic, but listen carefully to what he says because he can't help but betray his agenda.
Every time we tried to do something good.The left wants to slam his a** down.What the fuck
Dude it's only been thirty days mand the hell is wrong with you people
Very curious about how a poll on leaving NATO or the UN would go.
Nobody cares and that isn’t news. We’ve got 3 yrs and 10 more months. We have way bigger plans to restore this country beyond what most progressives could even imagine.
How do they know there is all this waste? Just cause Elon says so?
He is to focus on himself
It takes a little time, what happened to day 1? Lying liars who lie
The same regulations that might have a still being able to breathe in 30 year s
He's not headed in the right direction to make things cheaper😮
It does not matter. There will be future elections.
Caution this is the Democrapt Trump Delusion Syndrome Channel!
Biden is produce more energy than anybody has in US history energy is not the problem it's called conglomerates
Give the man a chance its only been a month. Can't undue 4 years in weeks.
Trump is NO king! Read the Bible
LOL is this the same pollsters that said Kamala was going to win in a landslide? CNN sucks
Trumps a complete Moron and Trumpism Desease is designed to take not give and Trump will take all he can for himself. He's the most hated man on the face of the Planet. Impeach his Ass now and throw Vance out with him.
I love it Trump and Putin in the oval office together of course Putin couldn’t be next to his buddy but he was there live streaming with his camera so he could shoot it off to the Russian people to show how Zelensky‘s getting hurt that oughta keep the war going for a lot longer Nothing like a couple of white Nazi loving President and vice president in the United States Oval Office and that’s not including Putin
Donald Trump is a liar. He can’t breathe without lying. He has no intention on helping to which American people he’s only interested in his billionaire friends and parking all the money that he can wake up people and whoever this guy is in an idiot he has no idea what he’s talking about
More CNN fake news. Note that 3 different pollsters have widely variable findings. Not very scientific. The 3 pollsters were very wrong on their findings in the last presidential election. How did that happen? Because of their intentional and inherent liberal bias. Meh!
Everyone I know are applauding the speed that things are happening
You can keep some of the people happy part of the time , but there's no way to keep all of them happy anytime
It was absolutely disgusting and totally disgraceful how Dana bash allowed lying mike and utterly false waltz spew their diarrhea without a push back from her. Terrible again . Get rid of her cnn immediately. State of the nation is a shite show with her
Not true..went up !
BS we the people do not want the cuts and demolition of our country. Why is it that one person thinks for the rest of the country?
Everything Trump touches turns to gold. Everything his haters try, fails miserably. Keep whining and wailing. It is music to our ears. Yes, keep isulting, hating, lying. It's working great, right. Just descending ever deeper into the devil's rabbit hole. Unbelievably out of touch.
Its still 47% to much
People does not approve Trump's approach to getting cost "reductions", it is incredible that Republican Legislature is increasing the budget by 350 Billions…more expenditure for Defense Department and the suppression of Medicaid and other programs that throw people to poverty. Trump and Elon's corruption is profoundly disliked by Americans. Imagine Musk and Trump fired FAA air controllers and woke personnel while giving a billion dollars to Musk company to provide and run the infrastructure of the IA system that supports air trafficking. That kind of pillage among other things like the treatment to Ukraine and the support of Russia, the madness about Canada, and using the Fraud and Waste excuse to hijack government's finance and information is what the people DISLIKE! The madness of Trump's Gaza Business with him as the top investor, the crazy idea of a sovereign fund to finance Elon's Trips to Mars, his personal IA projects, the use of the government reserves in his Cripto's project is getting the Independents, many Republicans and Democrats at the edge.me to bring common sense to government, tax payers money is not for enriching Musk with contracts.
I hope you’re right because we are drowning here. 😂 Everyday is something worse than day before 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
A brown squirrel somewhere wants it's tail back. Lol
Well I remember your poll said we were going to have a President Harris, it,s just the kind of crap to expect from that station. The man is showing all the crooked shit the is in Washington. Money being diverted from Fema to help pay Hotel bills in Chuckys State, Crooked slush funds, Money from Social Security used for other projects that the dems thought would never be discovered. Wait till Fort Knox is checked. No wonder the dems are screaming. The kickbacks will be made known and jile time….
WTF! Trump full of 💩💩! I have not heard anyone cheering for how the direction of the country is going! Trump LIED , PRICES ARE UP even more.
Is that a cat on his head ?
America is overproduction of oil will come back to bite you as the world starts to disengage from America and your military won't help