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All politicians lie. If Farage wants to represent a populist party, he needs to acknowledge that even he has lied.
What a disgrace he is!!!
Farage has lied long before he dragged UK into the Brexit. I was recently in UK and I was shocked to see so much poverty. The rich have certainly gained.
There's a lie right there.
For all those saying Nigel lied about Brexit, Nigel was never in charge of delivering brexit he had zero powers over it, that was the job of the conservatives who never implenented it. Nigel forced the government to hold a referendum so the people could chose there future Nigel gave them a voice a very democratic thing to do.
Never known him to lie and its not often hes wrong
What is this?
It's on tape Rayner that you and your useless Party has Lied to the entire country.
Our next PM.
Nigel is a national hero and the country hates these laughing lying clowns!
❤ 💯
What’s he lied about?
All those people laughing at Farage when he says he always tells the truth, are the same people who have voted for the shitty governments we've had in the past 30 years who have turned this country into the joke it is today.
You are an inveterate liar Nigel. Where is our second referendum? You asserted that if the result is 52 to 48 Brexit is not over – and in that matter you are right. You are a Trumpian laugh. Can't you hear it?
Labour is chock full of piggies at the trough, and a frankly dopey cabinet full of no mark unqualified arrogant types.
LMAO YOU TRIED TO CUT DOWN THE TRUTH😂. Looks like im not paying taxes for you
Disgusting behaviour by those people disrespecting someone like that. Here’s where our problem lies and why our children are growing up with the same attitude 😡
Angela Rayner looks gorgeous here <3.
Who are the Council for Global Change?Funded by Saudis Arabia and the chairman is Tony Blair.
Paid audience or stooges. People see through this but your desperate attempts to assassinate Farage are well noted.
Is this some sort of pathetic attempt at mocking him? 😂😂😂 I must be missing the point, but I have to remember lefties can’t do humour.
Farage has never needed to lie. These politicians are childish fools.
You create brexit its destroy uk now ,you are literally joke
Sure they added then laughs into the broadcast. They seem suspect to me
Only one who answers a question