Three North Koreans want to tell the world about the situation in the country. They expose, for the first time, the disaster unfolding …
These are crimes against humanity…. and those that do nothing are criminals too.
All of the other countries in the world are cowards for not saving them.
Riot riot riot!!
They are litterally killing their own population. Control? For how long though, if the country gets empty land?
Sad 🇺🇲
I’m trying to figure out where the war at?? They all the same!! This is what it looks like when a house divided cannot stand.
Given this is 1 year old, and now North Korea is sending troops over to Ukraine, I bet something major will happen with the country's collapse next year or the year after. It's always an iceberg.
This is all lies and propaganda. Why are they showing us cartoons?
I'm wondering what is he going to say when he is going to answer to Jesus Almighty God. When his day comes.
If Kju ends up with no population due to the famine who is he going to rule, who will defend the country and by extension him?
This is USA future. Trump loves and wants to be Kim Jung un
Thats sad where they dont even have a bowl of rice to each. Its sad they take away tv because they dont want us or south korea to be likeable. .
I hope north korea puts their foot down and turns on the kim family.
I love how the the BBC LITERALLY puts words in the mouth of other people. How very fing British.
what happened to them?
What I never understood. As a dictator wouldn’t you “want” to take care of your people so they “genuinely” like you and want you to remain in power? Wouldn’t letting your country die in poverty cause revolution? You’d think you’d want to be loved by your country so that you can ensure you remain in power and you’d want to at least take care of your people enough for them to see you as their savior
The United Nations is useless now, it has zero power to do anything, I mean listen to the man from United Nations "These could amount to crimes against humanity"…………..Ummmmmm DAH!!!
There is a video recorded by a Chinese biker who got into north Korea, he interviewed a young woman harvesting long grass by the side of the road Hoping to sell it to farmers as cattle feed for next to nothing.
She claimed that both her parents were already dead, which based on her age was shocking, she was so thin, spoke so slow and moved in such a manner I wouldn't have been surprised if she collapsed and died on the spot
She said she didn't remember the last time she ate, she was covered in dirt wearing what was likely her only set of clothes
Feel really sad to know how a cruel dictator is oppressing North Korean poor people and world is watching helplessly.
North Korea is better than israel so much so that the BBC doesn't do any documentery against israel.
UN Investigator seems quite strong and effective and will surely jump up and help for sure./s
Is there no plant they can plant somewhere? Its horrible.
No love for the Kims' but the majority of the world's leaders used COVID to terrorize and control their people.
What a miserable life for all these people of North Korea 😢
And here he is begging his people to have more babys 😔 the pinacle of selfishness
Why they are so poor, if they have a strong strategy?
Maybe the weapons are propaganda as well
Most countries are rich if they have weapons they have maybe only a make-believe? 🤷🏼♀️
Kim Jong Un does not look like he has missed any meals or that he is is going hungary. Meanwhile his people starve.
Starving children and babies is what sends me over the top with rage. What a GD travesty.
A nightmare
10:14 why have dude with a lisp doing voice work?
U think a rebel group would rise up one day. Plenty of western countries would fund them
Emang gada yg rencana revolusi gitu ?
What a bunch of absurdity. Just stop
Smuggling videos on usb-sticks? How the fck would they watch videos on usb sticks ?
Ich hab das Money – so wie Kim Jong Un
Guess the help is shut off
Who keeps one man in power….the Army. Never forget this.
They don't or can't compete at the Olympics because #1 couldn't get close to winning any event #2 they would want to defect once they saw the real world. North Korea is the perfect reason that God's dont exist, don't care or are evil.
They shared these testimonies with the DPRK? And what if they try finding out who shared that information?
BBC ???