A.G. Gancarski believes Harris underperformed while Trump overperformed. He also says he doesn’t think the VP “had the …
Hears the next elections has many good options instead of just one😂
I am a 78 year old conservative veteran, & I have voted in every election, but one; since I turned 21! Nearly every conservative I know has Voted in every election they were eligible to vote in! It is just that this election, for once, THE OTHER SIDE'S opportunity to cheat was too closely watched. That's why our Battle Cry was "TOO BIG TO RIG!"
She lost because the majority of voters just did not believe in her abilities to be President. She was her own worst enemy.
She NEVER had a chance period.
Donald Trump lost , suppression won.
Trump supporters purged neqrly 4 million voters. Harris won PA, GA and WI.
Dont believe me ask Greg Palast who RAN THE NUMBERS then uncovered hiw they rigged the election.
You can gear it all yourself ..
Watch the movie Vigilantes Inc.
Kamala was not up
To working she got where she is because she is lack with college but still dumber than dirt
Loves america! Unlike Biden was about what was best for him
And his looser son! Which he is responsible for the whole stealing family
She is dumb plain and simple
One word: WOKE. that is why she loss to Trump.
You want to predict why Kamala Harris lost? It's quite simple, KAMALA didn't put America First. The People who voted have spoken and made up their mind to vote for Donald Trump. Including me!
It's hilarious to come back to these videos. They are clueless. Just think if they would of been elected.
Harris lost because she couldn't, wouldn't, didn't separate herself from Biden and his low approval rating. She said it on the View " I don't think I would do anything different". Well the American voters wanted something different. I think Biden would have lost to Trump had he stayed in the race or had he not been forced out by the powers that rule the Democratic party. It's been a month now since the election and it's like Harris and Walz just vanished.
Harris is a dumb and stupid 🐷🐷🐷🦨🦨🦨🤥🤥🤥🐕🐕🐕🤣🤣🤣
It doesn't take a "political expert" to discern why Krapala got destroyed by Donald Trump. She's just NOT very intelligent. Dumb.Can barely speak English.Stupid. A LOUSY candidate! ………………………………..need more??????????????????????????????????
Fyi, most Americans,,,SCOFF!!!! at these so called experts
you call half of the voting force as racist, sexist, etc etc and then you wonder why you lost
She lost because she didn't connect with Americans or our values
Ok maybe he won but truthfully I don’t believe he won at all. And here is the reason. Some of his supporters took software from voting machines and if you have 4 years to examine a machine then yes it’s completely possible that this election was rigged. And not only that but all the Russian bomb threats called in into polling locations across the country. I believe they need to do an election audit and hand count every vote. Nothing we can do now because the time has passed but for fairness and transparency we deserve an audit of the whole election. Many people have also looked on line and all their voting history has been deleted. So something either happened or it was legit but we need an audit to make sure of that.
Wow, an expert indeed 🙄 Trump won because he got more votes that last time and Kamila got fewer than Biden. Wow, profound stuff. Good things are coming, we're waking up.
Anytime someone says political expert I question that. They’re wrong more often than they’re right. They come in in the end with hindsight and have all this insight. Of course you do you know how it ends now.
The truth is, the Democrat Party is simply a Freak Show. We don’t want that, and we certainly don’t need it!
We indians support Trump ok,,,, jo ukhadana wo ukha lo bc
If only Kamala had grown up a middle class kid.
woke = broke no expertise required
You almost said the opposite of what really happened. Trump was pulled into court, shot at, and called names by the sitting President. While Kamala selfishly foolishly and hatefully blew through $1.5 Billion dollars, spitting in the face of poor donors and people who sacrificed to help her. Is she on the job now? NO, Unlike many of her supporters she called in and said I need to go to Hawaii, screw the country. My normal hard-working neighbors with kds, struggling to make mony SEE THIS
Ha Ha
It was the eating the cats and eating the dogs video that pushed them over the edge lol. The Democrats try to use it against them but it actually backfired lol lol ha ha ha ha ha. Go Trump go Trump.
Ding ding ding tell him what he’s won bob. Yeah I voted for Trump and I had never voted before so yeah I’m sure the wreck of the country made a lot of people who never voted come out and vote. We were all like this has to change. The media dishonesty for sure didn’t help.
People want to feed their families. Period
Other than she is about as useful as a burned out light bulb?
She got crushed
They just can't come to grips that Americans REJECTED CAMELA
The left became the party of the rich
Harris and her supporters were robbed by professional cheaters trump & musk. Those that voted for him voted for white supremacy. Carry on
She lost because she was not inteligente enough to lead this country.
Why would you want to check-in with reality after the election?
Your projections ahead of the election weren't based in reality.
Value reality before an election, deluded happy-talkers.
If the Democrats really wanted a woman, of color, that emotionally intelligent men+women would vote in then…Gabbard would have been the Democratic nominee + probably would have won. But it wasn't true Democrats in the White House It was a new Woke Party behind the cloak lying to become Rulers of the World = want to be demigods
Political expert, an expert—this looks real, but someone has a real dry sense of humor—Yep, we really needed an expert? You could have a 6 year old boy from Tasmania and he could have given a real good argument why a phony person didn't stand a chance.
A big part of Trumps victory was the fact that the Biden/Harris admin was the worst administration in living memory. Non-stop trainwreck.
She lost for being woke
It was because of sexism duh
Why did Kamala Harris lose the US presidential election? Maybe taking a person that got 0 primary votes running in the 2020 election and then taking the same person that got 0 primary votes in 2024 was not real good idea? Did they think cackling, twerking and calling Trump Hit*** would carry them over the line? Trump is not the threat. The democrats tried to destroy the democratic voting process. Just like Trump…. America dodged a bullet.