R Kelly has indeed seen a trial like no other in Chicago. Although the trial started off with worrying news that the woman, who had …
I hope gets out soon 👍
Continue to expose the prosecution and judges
Hope these charges are dropped for Kelly and he can return to his normal life. It's ashame that people could do him this way..
White and Black men have been going for teen girls in America since George Washington. Punishing Kels for carrying on the tradition is wrong.
I see all y’all saying free R. Kelly yes his music is very good but that doesn’t mean that it’s cool that he did do all this to these young women I feel he need to get punished for is wrong doing
I believe R Kelly will win this trial & move on with his life and sin about his testimony through it all GOD IS HIS LAWYER HALLELUJAH
Free R Kelly
Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 God is good all the time
God is the Judge in the Courtroom. This is going to be turned around in the Courtroom.
I pray the jurors rule in his favor. R. Kelly has been railroaded; to me its double jeopardy!
Go kells
hopefully they will cut his time or let him walk God was with him in the court room I feel like GOD going to bless him some day who's know he could be free a couple years I'm a fan been playing his music since the 90s an still playing his music I want everyone to know God is on his side hang in there R KELLY every day is a brighter day
Well done so the NYC should be done
R Kelly is going to be released and free! He will run for Mayor of ShitKKKago too!
Are they ever going to go and get Roman Polanski who fleed court after he druged and raped a 12yr old he made a movie with 🤔 they want you to forget about that so free R Kelly🤦♂️
Where did these not so good looking women come from UGH
Jennifer get it get it.
Love this Amen Amen
Thanks for the information God is still in control free Mr Kelly
Free this KING of R&B, 👑 black people wake up and stop hurting our people and when I say Black people,I,m talking about black African American people because we as a people seems as if we hate each other and will let the cacasion people give money to you for to destroy our people.Look at how the law paid women too tell lies just to get a conviction, look how they made a fake documentary surviving R.Kelly so fast, look how sony stolen the KING 👑 catalog and all this was going on while these fake charges were being trumped up an all theses other entertainer turned away from the man and only most of the fans stayed on his side. My advice to the R&B 👑 Get out of that business they are HELL Bound by the tic of the Clock and will take you with them.
Come on ,, let’s stop the bullshit and free R Kelly..
Reason I knew Robert was innocent is from ears listening and you that know or knew me will understand I didn't always live in USA so I'm glad the Lord finally got the truth out and now I wants to see what will happen to the JUORS and JUDGE in NEW YORK CITY. 😇🤣😇😇😂🤣😇😆😆😇😇🤣💯 HA-HA
Let God Arise… and the enemies be scattered.
Expose the truth let them be the ones on the tapes put them all over the news like they did him ….check ya own guilty underwear vs spirts check them for all and expose the truth… .got the nerve to twist and lie on others for the same mess ya all guilty off bind ya all in mental hell also… the kids spirits hunt ya all y'all harmed did rape… backfire ya bull free him… SashaXXX 👽👽👽
Yes he was falsely accused and rail roared . He will be set free soon .
we yelling free R Kelly
Know weapons forms against mr.kelly will not prosper in God jesus christ name.