First, a report on Syrians looking toward a future without Assad. Then, victims say fake nudes created by AI “nudify” sites are …
We need to bring donkey Bashar into justice
To be honest, I can't afford a thousand dollar bag no matter how beautiful it is. I can say with certainty that every kislux bag I've owned has been solid. Beautiful leather, top-notch hardware, amazing craftsmanship, and a clean silhouette and size that I love. I've been well worth every dollar I've spent, and they've held up perfectly for years.
Andy Andy Andy
How surprising a stupid despot using party drugs to stay in power loses control not to surprising
This is a Clothoff commercial. WTF is wrong with these people.
No protests from woke Western university students
Asadh and Neytunha same thing
West creates all this
It is revelation not civil war
The son was more evil, wicked, and mad than the father.
The saddest irony is that these people hate Israel more than their brutal dictators
western media + ignorant Syrians = enless war in Syria
Paul on his way to Damascus!! May the Lord Jesus shine his light once again!!
They are just trying to bring in censorship. No censorship! It's all fake. 😔😔😔
Jesus (the prophet) asked "WILL GOD NOT AVENGE HIS ELECT-
WHO CRY TO HUM "DAY & NIGHT"? (Ref. is LUKE 18:7 + LAMENTATIONS3:18& PSALM 9:2-15***) PS 🙁 Tell a friend about this–one who does NOT wear a MAGA cap. Why do you REMAIN SILENT–Rabbi/Rev./Imam? Is the WORD OF GOD no longer "Pleasing" to his SAINTS? (Ref.= MICAH 2:6-11***) Amen.Phones shouldn't be allowed at school. We hadn't had cellphones before .. we can live without cellphones now
Take the parents of that boy to court
Snap chat is lying
We couldn't speak of bidens son for 4 years on fb
Its just a matter of time before their current leadership does the same things. Thats how they rule! I hope that I am wrong and the people live in peace!
Stop the lies. American companies always uses 1/3 of the amount of death in the Middle East to make the number smaller in Syria. The Assad family murdered more than 1.5 million Syrians in the past 14 years, more than 15 million had to be forced immigration to other countries.
Lets not forget that Russia and Iran is the real reason why Syria became hell
Western sanction broke that countries ability to function more than assad was responsible for.
Religious Law is not freedom either. Dictator is the Religion.
Where is human rights? Where is UN?😂
And where is the ICC ? 😂😂😂😂
17:23 creepy Anderson Cooper 😂
UN nothing done, but if Israel is concerned they are all active ahahaha
This is what Syrians have been trying to say for 14 years …
Probably Gaza is the same now !
Your program failed to highlight that the Americans and their military occupy a quarter of Syria, and that Israel is also engaging in all forms of terrorism in Syria.
ICC here is the person that should face the court of justice named Bashar al Assad
Weinstein, Epstein, P Diddy, Larry Nassar, all were reported to the police and the FBI well before their down fall . The other common thread is that the women who made those reports were not taken seriously. If the FBI had listened to the Farmer Sister, Epstein wouldn't have destroyed so many women after wards. Same for all of them, and it pains me to see these women flounder and not be taken seriously AGAIN by law enforcement, which is dominated by males. The day a woman is taken seriously is when we will stop choosing a bear instead of a man in the woods. Until then as is the norm in America the women are not protected, not taken seriously, been bullied and subject to demonization , double standards and condescension and are in danger in the United States. We know it's open season on us now that roe v wade was wiped away and we have the worst POTUS ever who himself has been accused of SA. we need to start over.
"Free Palestine. Free Gaza"…Oops, wrong slogan. How come? Half a million dead and 13 millions refugees? Where are all the demonstrations and the UN? – Oh well, It's OK. It's not the Zionist Jews who did it (Actually they most probably are behind it via satellites and voodoo rays).
Thank you very much!……..
I looked at a lot of backpacks before deciding to kislux their bag. I'm so glad I did. This is a beautiful backpack that looks well made. I bought it for an upcoming trip and am so excited to have it. It only took a few days to get here, so the shipping was fast. I highly recommend it and will buy again. It also makes a great gift.
kislux bags are beautiful and I have never been disappointed with a handbag. The leather is soft and the hardware is durable. The design never goes out of style.
Question: what type of government are they reestablishing upon rebuild? Are they going to make a constitutional Republic that enshrines civil rights? Or Sharia law that's going to give them more of the same?
41:14 – Geez this lady is wanting a bag 💼 now… Apparently she has 50k to throw away… smh 🤦♀️
Thank you!
Dear Lord Jesus please bless the people and animals of Syria with peace prosperity fun joy quietness affection compassion love care and safety and happiness and lots of love and comfort and peace ❤️🙏❤️
Thank you!
32:54 there is no such thing as American Royalty! 🤣they "Boston Tea partied" themselves right out of it and celebrate it every year since on the 4th of July. I find it very embarrassing that this networks reporters are not aware of that historical fact. 😂