Vietnam’s F&B sectors are well positioned for growth all the way to 2022. Discover emerging opportunities with entrepreneur and …
we did destroyers $monies
amazing video. There are lots of opportunities in Vietnam, but we must find the TRUSTED partners only. There are many people waiting to take advantage of foolish investors.
a lot of missing points
Increased competition from foreign and local business hopefully leads to more food safety, hygiene, food quality overall for this developing market
19:13 There are many selfish people in Vietnam looking to take advantage of good hearted people. It's sadly a part of the culture with greed mixed in
Now I know the reason why the Kafe dissapeared 🙁 Me and my girlfriend used to go their and have our breakfast dinner cause their western cuisine price is reasonable
4:22 this vendor name means "bitter melon with an attitude" lol 😂 my people really know how to name their businesses unique, random and unusual like that ❤
I hope i stay in Vietnam nexttime…
Wow…20.000usd for a start up??? That's awesome
Vietnam has one of the fastest growing economies… I'm excited to see where it will lead us.
27:30 the packaging look so nice
I always want to start-up my own business in VN but I've been struggling with the idea. Thank to this video, I have some now.
The reason people love Vietnamese food is because it's delicious and cheap. If you raise the price too high then it's no longer local food. Clearly this guy haven't eaten good ramen, because some ramen takes just as long as pho, and making ramen have much more techniques to cook.
No more Vietnam. Tired of hearing the country. Stop giving Vietnam the press and the attention it craves. It deserves no pressing at all.
Good film and VN is indeed ‘the’ destination!
When the business become successful the Viêt công will steal and framed you with a made up crime, just like Trinh Vinh Binh situation
Thanks for the info, very valuable for us before heading into this potential F&B business in Vietnam
Do you prefer this to McDonalds ? what a stupid question, how many McDonalds are there in Vietnam, a country of 100 million people , There are 17 McDonalds in the Whole country,
Yuno bigboy?
It's a great documentary.
Hà nội and Hồ chí minh are SODOM & GOMORRAH in Viet Nam
@33:45 i'm hmong, 1/2 of us also had to relocate during the vietnam war.
but we don't have the privelage And burden of a home country to come reverse migrate to.
definate a new concept in my collective memory of hmong but,
with the current political environment of usa, this has definately crossed my mind more than once.
God, Bless and make your way. thank you for a portrayal of your journey
Vietnam needs to expand their tech industry, it's nowhere in sight. When you're innovative in tech, you will be respected worldwide. Japan and South Korea are good examples. Food and beverages are good and all, but nobody respects any country just because you're good in food and beverages.
Yep facts. A bowl of pho cost much more than a bowl of ramen to make. Fresh ingredients are hard to keep and provide as they are seasonal. The broth takes the same amount of time or more. Why is ramen more expensive?
This shitty, disgusting channel keep showing up on my feed. My skin would crawl watching their bias and ignorant coverage.