It’s been more than 920 days since John Rex has seen his daughters. “I want them to know I haven’t stopped trying,” said Rex.
Show us a picture of the mother
I thought they found them?!
For your information, this man is a pedophile I know this for a fact you shouldn’t be commenting on stuff. You don’t know nothing about this man is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
3 sides to every story. What is done in the dark will come to the light.
Sending prayers tammy's missing persons site
Somebody knows something! Common a whole women with two kids! and eventually those girls will grow up to find out the truth and go back to their father.
The kids are with their mother.
If she’s been on the run this long, you won’t find her and the girls. She had to have cartel connections in order to “disappear”. I mean there is no paper trail, correct?!?
Prayers for all involved, there could be a GREAT reason she didn’t want her daughters with him. We will never know the whole story. But if she made it out the country with those kids safely, good for her. At least the kids are with their mother and not a stranger. ❤
I would never do this but speaking as a mother she’s long gone from the states & my guess would be she went to a Country that has No Extradition
The mother is getting help from friends n family, for sure. This is so sad. I hope the mom turns herself in and brings the girls home to ther dad.
All you have to do is go down to Mexico and come back across the border with no ID and they will set you up with free housing and food.
I pray this father finds his daughters and their mother gets what's coming to her cause she deserves everything. I do hope that the girls will be home safe really soon.
Maybe she traveled out of the country with the kids! 🙏🕊️
heartbreaking. girls need their dad! this mom will live to regret this. those girls will look for their dad and seek the truth eventually.
Living Underground?
Someone has seen and/or know where these babies and mother are!!
he can charge her with kidnapping
I feel it is not in the best interests of the children to yank them away from their mom. Is dad thi king what is best for him or them? Leave them alone.
I hope they're alive and not suffering somewhere safe
Hi I do spirit EVPs for missing people. If someone would like to contact me I can help. For free. I do not charge at all. I just did 3 other big cases and the information I was given for them in the EVP was correct. These cases are now solved. Lets get this Daddy reunited with his babies.
I hope the girls are ok and they see this and call the police themselves. The mom probably lied and told them their dad is dead. She must’ve been unstable for a judge to grant father full custody
It's SAD, FRIGHTENING, and INFURIATING when authorities REFUSE to take missing persons reports SERIOUSLY. They're probably dead by now.
Why isn’t the FBI involved???