CNN political director David Chalian explains the results of a new and final 2024 CNN poll that has Kamala Harris and Donald …
'Protecting democracy' is something democrats invented to say they stand for, because they stand for nothing.
Don’t use your own polls lololol prob the only voters are your viewers lololololol SSRS is shite by the way lololololololol
Hey CNN, what do you say? What lies are you going to tell today?
I hope the pollsters got paid enough to make up for their lies to the American people! Trump WON!
Tied my ass
We sure as Hell didn't vote for the idiot from South Africa
Idiots ……
Oh the fake news media
CNN will never stop lying!
😂😂😂 CNN is ALWAYS WRONG. This aged terribly.
CNN was nothing but a fake shill for Harris! Race was never close. Trump is laughing all the way to the White House.
Oh my God, this is so silly! The left-wing media and Kamala were wrong because you focused on ONE issue which was abortion when there’s a million other issues facing the American people. I hate to break it to you CNN, but people buy groceries and get gas for their vehicles a hell of a lot more than they go and get an abortion. Is it still important? Yes. However, the way the media have spun this notion is ridiculous.
Trump is not taking away your rights… that is a fear tactic that was presented by the left. They ran on the basis that Trump was going to steal women’s rights away and prevent them not being able to have any control over their bodies. That was a bunch of crap. States still control abortions and Kamala wasn’t going to get in the office, wave her magic wand, and suddenly be the sole dictator in women’s rights. That wasn’t going to happen. I don’t know what everyone on the left was thinking was going to happen, but that wasn’t it.
they were putting out polls, that… I don’t know where they came from, but were taken at a liberal college or places where there weren’t enough differentiating opinions to create an accurate scale of what’s going on in this country. People enjoy jumping on a train and going with it without looking at the other narratives. It’s the dumb ideology of people saying “You care more about gas prices than you do about women’s rights?” question that is so far out of touch and so uneducated, which is why the election went the way it did. It’s why every swing state turned red.
There is so much talk about Trump being hateful, yet I have NEVER seen so much hate than the left presented in this election. I have friends and family who are liberals who flat out told me that if I don’t vote blue, I'm all of these things… none of which are good. Yet they didn’t take a moment to ask me why or how I felt, even though I would ask them. When I did, every one of them said “Because I don’t want my rights taken away and Trump is a horrible person,” That was their argument every time and it felt like they were programmed to say the same thing.
I’m fascinated by asking people questions and understanding their WHY. Most of the time I understood why they voted a certain way because I take the time to listen, but they wouldn’t do the same for me. It was the hateful… “You’re a Nazi,” “You’re racist.” You’re this you’re that. If you’re going to call people a bunch of names, they’re going to do the exact opposite of what you want them to do. 🤯
Imagine hating on Trump for being SO hateful and yet you are out there doing the same thing. Didn’t Michelle Obama say “When they go low we go high!” Mhmm, so where was that ideology on the left side?
Maybe that’s why you lost. 🎤
People dont care so much abt abortion dude thery care on what are they going to eat today, if they can affors it or not.
This is the moment when he realised they are funny.hahahahaha
This video didn’t age well.
Pssst Kamala lost in a landslide. just in case you forgot. Haha hahahahaha hahahahahahahahah hahahahahaha 😅😂
I guess when you make a living spewing lies, eventually, you believe them yourself.
No delusion is more painful than self-delusion.
Hilarious to watch this after the election.
02:08 Those Democrats should be relieved. They were right. It wasn’t tied.
Your polls along with your liberal network buddies were wrong AGAIN.. these swing states were never that close.. you notice how the independent papers got them more right than you AGAIN… how’s viewerships going btw?
You lost 😂😂
It’s funny to watch this now😂
“Go after political enemies!” Wait what party did go after their political enemy? Oh yeah, it was the Democratic Party.
How did that election turned out? The news media is so yesterday.
🤣😂😂😂HARRIS? 🤣😂😂😂
It’s a MAGA WORLD and you guys get to cry about it
Crap News Network.
9:23 you can't make this shit up. Unbelievable how intellectually dishonest the msm news personalities are. At times, i wonder if they are really this separated from reality. But at the end of the day, they are just dishonest demagogues who have no shame. They will not let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Trump beat the brakes off the cackling hyena, he got the popular vote as well 😂😂
This is why CNN polls can't are FAKE NEWS, and CNN viewership has dropped. CNN is a biased network that lies.
Ever since 2000, if the race is close, or if the Republican is trailing by less than five points, the Republican will win. The public polls are always skewed and over-sampled. The internal polls that the candidates receive (at great expense) are accurate, which is why we could tell the day before the elections of 2016 and 2024, that the Dem was in trouble, because both candidates essentially went into hiding, and, interestingly, both abandoned their supporters at their "election headquarters" on election night.
If you believe killing babies is a winning issue, you might be evil.
Looks like woman thought that the every day high cost they were paying was more important than the abortion they were most likely never going to have. Go figure.
Just like the majority of your so-called reporting!! Wrong! Clean sweep- America has spoken!! TRUMP/VANCE AMERICANS FOR AMERICANS 🇺🇸
When Kamala was selected as presidential candidate her polling was 29% , next day she was manufactured to 53—55% who gave the bonus to her24 26 points. No one has explained how this happened. The results is perfect outcome because all the time Trump was leading.Media try to create a victory but too much of a ask.