Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross discusses Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s threat to impose tariffs on steel and …
Sure the canadas people in their right mind would agree with Trump and stop the fentnal 🎉 or will be alot of deaths in Canada with fentnal !
Doug ford folded like a chair Canada very Weak china hangs 4 Canadians and u think America is bad
Canada is getting their cut of the profits from fentinal
Maybe "lifted the skirt" would've been more contextually appropriate that what you said.
Don't be offended fox and fiends – it's just locker-room talk 😉
Fake news
Why?? is there a PIMP, reporting the news???
Trump does not care about fentanyl, or a trade imbalance. Trump cares about expanding US territory, and reaping the benefits of their resources and land.
Ford did not back off. Was begged to come and negotiate with the US. Canada exports way more important essentials that us. Countries are lining up to support Canada. This will not end well for us.
Fentanyl you guys are still looking at this bogeyman! How many weapons and fentanyl are crossing the Canadian border from the south? You are net exporters. But anyway when you are on the payroll of Fox you need to say the GOP daily talking points.
How cam you justify supporting a hostel takeover of a nation who is minding there own busyness?Trump is telling you he wants to make Canada a state and fox news is aiding in this crap.This is a nightmare!
Wtf is that clown wearing? Somebody tell him how to pronounce Ontario. Ford’s a buffoon. He does not represent the federal government. And then you’ve got a 400 year old fool bleating about Fentanyl. What a clown car.
Ford is just playing with Trump. It’s on its off it’s on its off. Sound familiar ?
Trump, America’s disgrace.
The United States is your daddy. You are dependent on Daddy. Living in Daddy's house and eating Daddy's food. But you don't want Daddy to tell you what to do. Then move out and be independent and quit leaching off of Daddy. Does this make sense to you Liberal nutcases?
I'm a girl we don't need videos like this
Is this The Mommy Return ?😊
help 401 k the markets have fallen and it can't get up
Ontario is a province of Canada, not a separate country as implied.
My wife and I watch fox for 4 years now we cancel for ever
Climate change and Canada's defense. Hovercraft and the Bering Straits. Absolutely no problem in the movement of 30,000 troops eastwards. Defense and co-operation certainly much better in facing truth and military.. strategy.
Fentanyl is a smoke screen. Anyone but your 150 year old “expert” knows that.
I am Canadian and I support surcharges on critical exports, electricity, potash, and nickel. You think Trump will not blink? Look into his multiple bankruptcies for your answer.
Wilber has had a rough life.
Cut the juice ford
Robin Williams said Canada like beautiful apartment over a meth lab 😮😅
Weird it seems like it worked. It got him a meeting with trumps administration. If there’s no negotiation we will cut the electricity.
Will America attack Canada?
The first point always brought up… the US has the greatest, biggest army in the world, Canada has nothing to compete with.
All armies build their own Legends, Units give themselves nicknames like Red Devils, Blue devils, Devil Dogs and claim the enemy gave them the name. Aussies, Jocks and Ghurkas put themselves in the running for the best commonwealth troops… we overlook the obvious… the Canucks. In the few German sources that mention tough opponents, aggressive raiders, it is usually the Canadians they mention. In fact, even my wife’s grandfather who served in the German military in WW2 said to me “The Canadians, they are not good people, Aggressive… Gruesome.. They took no prisoners, in both wars.” … he is one of two German veterans who told me similar stories.
A close combat instructor in the army once told us that if you get into a barfight, it is not the blackbelt who will win, the most dangerous man in the room is the guy who is willing to do anything to win, the guy who will gouge out an eye or bite off a nose… motivation is the way to victory.
Canada does not need to have enough troops to beat the American army, it needs to have enough troops to cause more losses than the American public would find acceptable in a pointless war… and lose less men than the Canadians would see as the upper limit for fighting for their freedom.
Many of us have served with American soldiers, mostly affable guys with a friendly smile who are easily motivated by speeches about fighting evil, spreading democracy, freeing the oppressed. It remains to be seen how many American soldiers will find any motivation to march into Canada.
Would America be able to mobilize a single Regiment where all the personnel would be willing to attack a friend? Would a portion refuse?
Many will have Canadian friends, some Canadian family.
Would Trump have to order Hegseth to create a special corps of trumpists loyal to Trump and willing to march into Canada? Along the Lines of other dictators who had to bypass the army and inform troops loyal to the leader.
If the failure to garner support from the American population is what broke the back of the US intervention in Vietnam, would the Americans send their troops North with Vietnam era protests starting right from the getgo?
2025 is going to be a looooong year
This is elderly abuse. That guy should be in bed eating pudding.
Wilbur is also on fentanyl.
Wow that guy is old
Is that an american made suit? That's the garbage outfit.
As an ontario born still living in canada, for now, Doug Ford is a disappointment to his conservative voters. But we dont have another party to vote for.
For some reason, Doug thought taking a page from the liberal playbook would get him ahead. Its weird cause the liberals are all hated in Canada quite frankly and they are on their way out very soon.
lol…Trump showing how weak and stupid he actually is every day! Lol
So if there is so much fentynal coming from Canada IN to the US, that seems to be a US border issue no? US agents check things coming into the US and Canadian agents check things coming into Canada. Maybe I'm missing something. Yes work needs to be done on sides of the border, but turning people against one another won't help either side.
Funny how people think China, Mexico and Canada are the only countries the USA gets products from
Americans; arrogant, ignorant, pawns of Trump.
Hey Doug, what does the dictator have on you? Or is it just natural for you to betray the people who put their confidence on you? Well, I guess you lived to long in United States and lost your self honor. Why don't you go back to your real country, United States?
Fox clown show😂
President Trump's signature on a trade deal he made with Canada during his last administration should mean something. If he'd like to change aspects of it, the correct approach is to renegotiate and update aspects of the deal. He is showing the world that his signature may mean nothing but the approach he is taking. It is not reasonable with an integrated economy to expect US business to entirely pivot away from Canada in 2 months when it may involve buying or custom building new equipment; finding or even developing new sources of electricity; locating new supply chains or, in some cases creating a mine to get the ore they once bought from Canada.
I may be a proud Canadian, but these clowns like Ford and Carney who try to use the present crisis for political gain, they make the entire world laugh. They are linking their wounds like the useless liberals they are. Please Mr. Pierre Poilievre, step in the position of prime Minister
Circus news network that old man belongs in a nursing home
Leftist piece of garbage called Canada..
How about we just take there country then no tariffs
Great suggestions and I love that blue/white pin stripe suit!
As a Canadian, I totally get it and understand WHY the US is taking this stand. I SEE HOW FLAKEY my Government is on these matters of Border Security and the Drug problem. FORD AND OTHER Premiers are GRANDSTANDING
Agreed that Doug Ford acted unwisely. That’s Doug.
However, the fact remains that antagonizing an entire country is not the greatest idea either. I think most Americans would agree that Canada was a friendly and peaceful, ally and neighbor. The entire world doesn’t understand what is going on here. This whole situation could’ve ended with a lot more taste and intelligence. If the Democrats can find somebody intelligent as a leader, I think this is going to cost DT the midterms.
I don’t understand why Canadian leaders aren’t being more proactive about this, but from what I hear, the reason we impose high tariffs on American Dairy is because the quality and level of hormones is not in line with Canadian health standards. We don’t want to consume lower standard cheeses and milks.
Sad to think how this could have all been handled so much more diplomatically. I believe many Canadians (along with other non-American citizens of various countries) who had nothing against DT previously have now lost all respect for him.
And by the way, Canada is not just one area that can be grouped into one state. We are 10 provinces and three territories of varying cultures. I have a better idea-I think Canada should own some of the US states. For example – Alaska clearly belongs to BC. Quebec should get Florida, New York and Maine. Other provinces should run the northern states. I think that would make much better sense. We could teach you guys the metric system and the French language and culture.
Trump is supposed to no how to be a deal maker? Instead of blapping his mouth off all the time why not actually have a sit down with countries and come up with a deal?