This never gets old. Each time I listen to this, and he Breaks it down like this, he is speaking facts and truth….No one can keep blaming others for their situations, especially when they become an adult..
By his own "theology" he's a white devil and cannot be redeemed. They believe in the old "one drop rule". Matter of fact, the nation of Islam has never had a non white leader, so by their own teaching they've always been lead by Satan
Where can I find this whole lecture
Every democrat should here this.
He`s so so RIGHT!, This why we need to stress, Education, we must remember Jail is Not Our HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are still to blame for our ancestors misery but it shouldn't still be issues of today.
This needs to be BLASTED in every ghetto in ameriKKKa.
Hello, you blame whites for everything.
He ain’t wrong tho… 🤷🏽♂️
People on Earth are Satan. Period.
Facts truth.
Umar Johnson has destroyed black people still waiting for this fake school
You are what you do…Everything else is just excuses.
The truth is the potential of power, but denial is a crippling manifestation of disease and failure!
Pure facts hold yourself accountable. We are more powerful than givin.
This never gets old. Each time I listen to this, and he Breaks it down like this, he is speaking facts and truth….No one can keep blaming others for their situations, especially when they become an adult..
The Jews won’t come into power until Jesus comes back to slaughter the Edomites! Not my words.
Praise be to Allah 🙏🙏🙏🙏 thank you Brother Minister 💯💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👑👑👑👑
Black Wall Street Alone Blames The White Man. However The Point Has Validity.
Elijah Muhammad Blamed Him! I Concur
If the words white man was not in the black mans vocabulary they would figure out how to fix their problems.
Young youth listen and older youth
the white man approves
By his own "theology" he's a white devil and cannot be redeemed. They believe in the old "one drop rule". Matter of fact, the nation of Islam has never had a non white leader, so by their own teaching they've always been lead by Satan
It’s all about Accountability for yourself!
everything is valid here in this video 📹
🦝's posting Farrakhan now.😩