From 2016: Meet a team of people who have made it their life’s mission to go undercover and bust traffickers and rescue as many …
Respekt ❤Tim good bless y
God bless these people
I didn't want to bring kids into this world because of cunce like this.
If you want it to stop! stop arresting the ones doing it and make it public, including the adult females.
My god, this is incredible work. The fact that these people are putting their lives on the line to save children is so incredible, I wish them the best.
Reminder that the sound of freedom was politicized and called fake by the main stream media.
Too bad CPS that “saved the children” also trafficked them.
honor to you
How disgusting that even older women push younger girls to do this stuff.. it just proves how corrupted our world really is, and we really cant escape it.
Except that these organizations are crooked too
Only a foolish Probagand from CIA and others..I don't think they care about any kind child problem..
God bless you all
This organization should automatically be funded by the government or our taxes
You have the audacity to call it the underground railroad… Savior complex 😂
How would one help this cause?
That o.u.r. logo at 6:55 is so clever
i would say every man should give right to search their homes. When children are taken or women are kidnapped. That there be a amensty on drugs and similar crimes. That their be a blacklist of people who wont let their homes be searched and thus it is a very easy investigation for police (into those homes thatr refuse search) i guess they would start making secret cellers well police can use infrared, radar, etc.
Really politicians dont care and the people you pay tax too dont care but you stay around isnt it normal to leave a unreasonable place?.
I would leave America have nt you had enough evil and lies. What hell America and it laws for rich people. Sitting Bull said it well. (what can we do but make war on people like this they fence of land to forbid people to use it, they make laws for the poor which do not apply to the rich as same as their religion only the poor follow it, they tax the poor to pay for the rich to live in luxury ,when the earth is tired and wants to rest they give her medicine and force her to grow , we have tried treatys the have broken every promise they made what can we do there is only one option we must go to war we will be better to die free than to live as their slaves. Sittng Bull like a GOd on earth
the days are coming in which they will say, 'Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never did bear, and breasts that never nursed.' Luke 2623
"fresh" is crazy
This man should be president, why isnt the govenment doing this???
pure evil
Thank you Tim
Thank you so much for everything that you do saving these kids and these women it's awesome but when I heard the name operation underground railroad 🤔🧐
!Bravo Tim que Dios te bendiga!
Watch The Sound Of Freedom, if you haven't already. It's about Tim and his work and it's really good!
"youre hearing the sound of freedom" so thats how the movie was named
Heroes. How commendable to endanger themselves to save these kids
South Americans living in Texas, yeah they cooked, Texas is probably the most racist state in the u.s, which is crazy, because that means it’s worse than the whole Bible Belt, which is also very racist….
These guys did not come to England,we have millions of children raped and protected by the state.
Wonder who the big moneys makers are in the business
i can assure you that "some" of the authorities r part of it, it's all about money unfortunately💔
The US govt is actively doing this and using DARVO acts to silence its victims. I am a 1st person witness. Need legal rep but not able to secure it. Prevented from justice. Still have hope.
You can donate to OUR and make a difference. Been doing so for 6 years now. Their merchandise is great too!!
Unfortunately the kids 13 14 know wat there doing and get paid well for it they do it willingly and it’s sad that’s all they have to turn to is prostitution. The government’s of these countries are to blame it shouldn’t be up to other countries to stop this
Sad what people do for self gratification….poor children