The Truth About Nigel Farage = Revelations from Catherine Blaiklock, the founder of the Brexit Party on The Andrew Eborn Show …
UKIP and Nick won’t get enough votes or mine.
SDP for me
You're an amazing woman. I hope there's a party out there that will embrace your talents.
Nigel's in it for himself, no one else! Listen to Tenconi, leader of UKIP. I've found my political home!
So how’s Brexit going then.?..Any good that Brexit thing.?..Because what I heard Brexit is a complete mess that’s only gave the likes of Farage a career and not much more..Oh,some junk about sovereignty that to most sounds like a very weak excuse..But,,just wondered what you think of Brexit and if you thought it’s any good..Many are trying to find anything good about Brexit and those that still say Brexit is great seem more and more out of touch..Same sort of people that try to plead Brexit is a good thing also like Trump.?..Like I said about Brexit fans seem very out of touch and increasingly remote and weird…..Anyway,only asking..🇪🇺👍
As a Reform member I now regret my initial enthusiasm for its as a growing awareness of reality relating to the Party becomes known. I am now dissatisfied and looking for an alternative.
I couldn't care less if Nigel Farage is a nasty man to some. Can he sort the county out? Thats the only thing i want to know.
Suddely Farage no longer wants to controll immigration? I wonder why?
I like this woman, she has a moral compass 👏🏼👍🏼✅🤍
Since Nigels’ despicable bullying of Rupert Lowe, the floodgates have opened revealing his true character to call the police on a man who you then say has dimensia is disgustingly grotesque!I will now be gifting my vote to U.K.I.P. a decisive and pragmatic leader in Nick Tenconi ✅✅✅✅🤍🤍
Farage is a arsehole
I have now watched quite a few interviews with people who know Nigel Farage very well (Lowe, Habib, Batten, Bloom, Bolton) All recently recorded and posted here on YT for anyone who hasn’t seen them. All of these people, separately, say exactly the same things about him and it ties in with how we have seen him behave. He is not the man many of us thought he was, certainly not the man we hoped he was.
I have always considered Farage to be a low life, self serving liar and a fraud, it's nice to see my opinion of him finally being vindicated.
Catherine is an honest, transparent lady, we need more like her in politics!
Farage has had numerous fallouts with key party loyalists. I resigned my Reform membership over the disgraceful treatment of Rupert Lowe.
He is unfit to be a Prime Minister and is now patently occupying the centre ground, so no different to a closet Tory.
We can still have Reform but Rupert Lowe should be head of the party because he embodies policies of the right. If this were to happen I would rejoin.
This lady comes across as decent and kind, but too trusting, unfortunately. It sounds like Nigel clearly shafted her.
please stop Nigel Farage from doing these thing to Catherine and others he acts like he's untouchable but he's not in a poll 99.9% of reform members joined Reform for the deportation of these people i can tell you now that he's going to make shore that doesn't happen, why because he's going to cross the floor to the conns and run the conservative as there leader i think he must be stopped in his tracks he has used £5:298:500 to do this of reform members money now he just crosses the floor as they say and he has screwed us all with lies and disseat
by denigrating everybody else's contribution nigel can then claim to be the sole reason for the parties success.
Farage Is a Establishment Plant a Complete False Prophet Wake Up Guy.s
The Reform Party is not just Farage. It is a party that needs to win an election and therefore has to appeal to many across the spectrum of politics. Therefore party members need to follow the party line. Like him or loathe him Farage is the target in order to bring down Reform. All the people going for him are like him… they have ego's.
He couldn't have you around when there's finances involved.
Especially when the EU are founding farage and his Company with tax payers money.
His a skilled thief.
I remember Nigel outside Hotels ! Nigel on beaches saying send them all back ! He’s gone back on everything .Rupert is right ! We have to start right now , notice how the others in the party are tight lipped , I agree with Catherine ,Islam does not stand with our values why would we want them here ? they hate us 👎
Nigel was not the founder of the brexit party that's interesting
Wow. How sickening is this. Wow to our country. Stay strong you beautiful person ❤
Lovely lady. Keep telling the truth ❤
The dominate issue that is turning peole away from Farage and Reform , is the lack of policies . What would he actually do to rectify the wrongs committed by previous governments . Sadly no answer is forthcoming from the boss , Rupert Lowe has a vision of what is required , that has upset the complacency of Farages , let everything run smoothly and just be nice to our enemies ISLAM.
Such a shame you gave up writing and politics. You sound such like you were treated just like Rupert he was left out in the dark too
Vote reform Vote nigel get change don't be fooled it's not about nigel it's about change once reform are in then sort this sh…t out
Scumbag Farage should have sailed off into the sunset 2016!
The jungle was his pension.
Farage sounds like a spoilt little schoolboy to me.
Actually I think you should prepare yourself but BRITAIN HASN’T TRUSTED YOU AMERICANS FOR ABSOLUTE YEARS. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Absolutely disgraceful behaviour from al Farage and his cronies
Dear brother's and sister's please listen to what June Slate on YouTube say.
Nigel is a traitor to the public and the people who supported him. WE DONT WANT ANOTHER CENTRIST PARTY… Now people will be voting for the Tri-party… I'm so glad I cancelled my Reform membership. Rupert Lowe, Ben Habib and Co need to work urgently, and for a right leaning party, wipe Reform off the map. Reform will not get my vote!! Nigel farrage and Zia can not be removed while Reform is classified as a business. It is not a party. Nigel has already dismissed any chance of any illegal immigrants being deported. It's out of the question. Also a huge swathes of conservatives from CCHQ have joined Reform to work behind the scenes, these are the Islington champagne swigging lot and the wets, Reform is no longer the party people bought memberships for, or who backed the party at the beginning of the general election. This notion is dead. Reform is now a centrist party, and no better than labour or the conservatives. What you are voting for is the tri-party. This also explains why Rupert Lowe was booted out of Reform, Rupert Lowe has the aspirations to follow through and deal with illegal immigration, and overall ridiculous numbers of people entering the UK, Nigel and especially Zia have turned their backs on the things they sold the public to gain memberships and now they have the cash coming in they have turned their backs on us and sold us a lie, anybody who has got membership to Reform I'd cancel it, like I did and I will NOT BE VOTING FOR THEM! We have been deceived, and what they have done is disgusting. The Reform party is dead. I hope Rupert Lowe, along with Ben Habib, Howard Cox, Paul Thorpe, and others, have amazing success with Elons backing or help, which will be the party I will be voting for. Reform is nothing but a scam.
Farage Is Under The Strings Of Yusuf The Money Strings. Elon Was Right And Both The Loyal Voters That Got Reform Up There And Great MPs Sacked Just Shows How Two Faced Those Backstabbers Are. NEVER To Be Trusted Again
Really, Catherine and all the other political unfortunates who have been on the receiving end of the ‘Nigel Farage Treatment’ should be featured in a Documentary / Exposé to be broadcast by the MSM. Too many people are still just following him blindly because they aren’t aware of the details unfolding on Youtube. If they insist on voting for Reform then they at least need to do so from a fully informed position and knowing what they might be getting the country into! Do we really deserve to have another charlatan in No. 10 ?
Nigel.is a turn coat backtracked on deporting serious criminals and illegals!! Cannot trust him over his treatment over Rupert Lowe
Nigel is incapable of EVER forming a credible shadow-cabinet because he chucks-out and smears any political colleague who shines ‘Too brightly’. His ego simply can’t handle not being the centre of attention at ALL times. There’s much more to come out about Nigel yet and I sense that the MSM is just waiting for the dam to burst…then they will EVISCERATE him and he will never recover! Nigel will wish that he had also taken heed of the old adage “Be careful who you meet on the way up….you might have to meet them on the way down”
She's ridiculous! Not the ethno nationalists!! If she had been a less indulgent idiot when she shagged around when young, id possibly have more interest in her ramblings!! For all her failings, she's right about Farage. Then again she's just part of the large and growing chorus!
She is not the founder of the Brexit Party, I founded it on 9 November 2016 at Pret A Manger on Regent Street in London. Blaiklock robbed the idea in November 2018, thus infringing my copyright, now she whines about being robbed by fake Farage and that's Karma.
People who vote for Nigel should be realistic about him, he seem after fame and power, not the UK delema… He's real trouble!!!!