In 2016, then-President #DonaldTrump vowed to enforce laws regarding classified documents. Yesterday, we learned a federal …
He's not gonna be stopped, and he knows it,
He means you Lars Olrich.
This is textbook pathological LIAR.
If you are such a "victom" why don't you just go away and stay to yourself so you cant be accused of "things you havent done"
No one will be above the law. Except him.
Was a liar in 2015 and still a liar in 2025!
Yet still won the popular vote. Love it. Ouch MSDNC.
Karma. When?
He's being persecuted like those poor WHITES in South Africa. I demand justice!!!
You said it, now buck up and do it.
There is the right way to do things, not this president's way.
Democracy. Not anarchy. Not dictator. Not God. Not above the law.
Judges at any level should be apolitical. To be orherwise makes you the wrong person on the bench. No paid for expensive vacations for white or black, etc judges. Do you really believe they are your friends or do they just want your vote on the bench. There is too much of this stupidity in Washington DC now.
Donald Trump Then: 😊
He's the president. The president bears the ultimate and final determination of what is and isn't classified. Period. If he says it's declassified, no amount of BSDNC crybullying will ever change that fact. No judge can overrule a sitting president's determination of classification status. Classification of information is, if not at the behest of the president himself, meant solely and exclusively to serve and further the executive duties of the US President
Sounds like every other politician ever.
Dijo el que se caso con una vieja extranjera
Como este tipo que se cree presidente de un pais de primera clase que ya cayó a tercera
También es inmigrante
Y su vieja 😂😂😂
Trump had the right to have them Classified documents as a former President, unlike "senator" biden who had zero rights to have the classified documents he had in his garage, by his corvette, How convenient for the thief hunter. amazing isn't it?
biggest loser in the world
I support Donald Trump 🔥
Lots of facts proves that Trump is a shameless liar.
Deception and lies is the foundation of him and his kind. Weak