Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema is addressing supporters of the party at the Constitutional Court in …
I salute from Oxfordshire psychiatric hospital ❤
Can we attribute our political and nation’s loss of morality and increasing barbaric, uncivilized behavior, to what transpired prior to 1994, when corrupt politicians, designed and implemented inhumane, criminal policies, to create, cultural, structural, and social violence.
Apartheid generations living under these dehumanizing circumstances, was physiologically traumatized and damage, becoming desensitized to violence, and normalizing crime and embracing an immoral way of life
In terms of post-apartheid, crime, violence, and social degradation is exacerbated by political corruption, which has weakened and eroded our judicial system, and all structures, of Law Enforcement Agencies, including SAPS.
In general, politicians, polarize our nation, cripple sustainable economic development, ethical values, justice, endangering the rule of law, which is impacting our fragile post-apartheid societies, and communities, desensitized to violence and crime, whilst militant politicians, continue the power struggle for state capture, self-enrichment, and revenge for being ousted out of government and power.
Reality check; South Africa is a lawless society, facing a food, water, housing, economic and employment crisis. Communities, schools, businesses and citizens are faced, with protecting themselves, from an increasing immoral society, of which generations are desensitized to violence and normalizes crime.
The legacy of Apartheid continues .Politicians rescue package for South Africa, is to fight amongst themselves, spew hatred, implement draconian laws, and oppressive polices, to keep the nation divided, in a state of ignorance, reliant on government handouts, control, manipulate, and prevent uprisings, should the truth be exposed.
The only beneficiaries from all the entire above, are corrupt politicians, their comrades and organized crime.
Sa will never be a great nation the politicians have no passion only selfish ambitions,the level of poverty is shocking how do the poor stay fooled by this nonsense talk
My president 💕
There is no eff you are irrelevant, go goat farming rather, stay out the commercial areas !
Malema and his party has been fast sinking on his own Titanic….
Big brains .fit to rule Africa .south Africa too small for him
How I wish Malema & Ndlozi could lead the EFF together as in CIC + DP/SG with either any of the two on any of the roles
South African doing very well without EFF
Malema my brother you need at least 2/3 Majority to accomplished the missions why not telling the truth
Eff stood the test of time, they tried hard to kill it by failed
Juju uyingonyama bayakwazi
of course theres no politics without him
Viva EFF 🖤💚❤️💪
Amehlo Abantu avulekile ezweni Angeke kusadlala muntu ngabantu is timeup nowsharp
Umkhonto umkhonto akujiki I one way road way straight uyile train abathi firestop akusiyo I all station washout mjita kushubile manje.
Next time to improve is to check see people are educated than you when shut up look at you dozen Min are stupid
But he was telling the truth, no politics without eff
Land first…
Africa What's is it going to take??? For you too take charge of your country??? You have the right to say no hunting!! No guns!! You have that right..but the money means more. At the risk of your own people & country?? We can learn alot from the animal world.
Please stop using valuable time with gossip. The Creator said LIFE is short in Quran. He knows. He created the Heavens and Earth and everything between. You have 54 countries with children.
The leader in africa need to go!! There is no reason for people to be hungry. If you allow white people in with gun to hunt. Why not allow the natives in the country to feed themselves?? This is sick thinking. Why do leaders continue to betray their own?? It's for money, you all disgust me.
Malema is the 1 ❤
This thing is boring.
EFF Forever ✊
Infantile politics
The eff is here to stay!!
What a joke
Communism and race politics? No thank you
Malema never learnt a lesson. Zuma has NO friends. He only has interests.😂😂