There is an outpouring of love across America for so-called Baby India, who was left to die in a plastic bag, prompting more than …
People who leave their babies to die or kill their babies are having huge issues. As a father, I am shocked that someone is capable of doing rhis to their own baby whom they should protect at all costs and do everything for them.
I have no words except a feeling of huge sorrow.
I can’t imagine the dread the guy felt when he was about to tear open the plastic bag. But luckily, the baby is crying and now safe. Poor dear. That mom who left her ought to be locked up
Thank You for Not throwing me away?
So what's leaving her on a dirty public bathroom floor mean?
it's basically the same thing your abandoning your baby in a public
Restroom alone and defenceless sham on you!!
How do the8 people get up in the morning is 13 degrees out side now breee
So the airport authorities were responsible for throwing baby India in the bag?
The baby is a warrior who survived even after having very low oxygen in the trash bag 😢😢😢😢and that umbilical cord😖😖😖😫😫 …. How can someone be so cruel 😢😢😢
When you read too much Gita..xD
Muje new born baby boy adopt krna h plz help
Abortion is not godly option many good people willing to be parents to
Unwanted babies
This is exactly why I don't understand why people say don't abort give the baby away. These babies were lucky enough to be found, pretty sure lot of of others die😢
Shameless lady now admitting her crime
Thanking her mother for not throwing her away 😂i mean she couldn't thank her for anything else rather than that..but m.gald she loves her mother despite it all❤
Am not taking a word that Burger King baby mom was saying. She was epitomize of selfishness.
Wtf is wrong with these people 😡
I should have slapped her. Never throw a baby like a garbage 😡😡
Update the mom was arrested
She 4 years old already
What a sweet and beautiful girl she is. I am crying as I write this like so many other women on here, especially when she said, “Thank you for not throwing me away”. She is such a sweetheart to want to meet her mom and hold no grudges. I wish that I could find a baby and give all my love to them.
Ooh….precious babies!!!!
“Thanks for not throwing me away!”
She literally left you in a Burger King restroom.
Beautiful baby
Hold on a god damn minute …burger baby a lil delusional smh
Did the rapist father ever get investigated by DNA?
As a former Baby, this is disgusting!
I really want to adopt this baby
This video made me cringe the world out there is very cruel
Bk baby
Hi my name is ursula frenandes e D'Silva from aGoa IndiaI want to adopet a chole can u help me.
I won't meet her I should hate her for the of my life 😡😡😡
"Had no idea she was pregnant"
Yeah sure . . . .
And how many offered to adopt one of the millions of kids worldwide who need homes? No one. The answer is no one.