President Donald Trump holds wide-ranging Cabinet meeting at the White House. #Trump #trumpnews #foxnews Subscribe to …
By the way, nobody is working for the FBI in the international scam department (ic3). No single evidence of anyone working in that department at all. And we are being bombarded by scammers
New York City Housing Authority, and HUD Buildings, need New State of the Art Tenent Buildings, with, Four Elevators. One Being a Freight (large) Elevator.
* Apartment's Must be Equipped with: 240 VOLT Capacity. Fiber Optics Ready. Each room must have its own Circuit breaker. The Last Floor, of the Project's Must have, More than Better Water Pressure. Storm Windows Must have Musqeito Screens.
Sound proof walls (a must). Central Air Conditioning, and, Heating.. Appropriate LED Lighting. MAIN ENTRANCE WORKING LOCKS (Security).
Thank you so much, Mr. President for everything you’re doing.
Its like Avengers assemble for meeting on that day.
There's no 'I' in team", everyone on that table makes dream work.
You’re just a laughing having a good old time. While poor grandmas are out here crying staying up all night worrying about her benefits shame on you all
I would think U.S soldiers would be happy, motivated & proud to serve this Commander in Chief. President Trump.
These people need to pay the money back even if it bankrupt them
Oil? Seems Biden left with a huge deficit by selling it to China.
Thank you Trump for making America great again
As a Puertorrican living in the island I’m proud to have a president that cares about making this nation great again.
Fantastic! 😅
Thank you! We can not afford… even after working so hard and being so frugal…to stay out of debt or save here in California! We would LOVE some tax relief!!! 🙏🏼❤️🇱🇷
Wow wow wow
Daaaaayyy-Ammmm Pam.
—>Pam-Am 🇺🇸—>
Not cooking with Crisco anymore…Pamnit!
Good…. Morning…. Viva-PAM!
Van Halen ~ Pam-el-la! Oh oh OH oh, Pam-el-La!
Bondi…Pam Bondi, Olive on the rocks, shaken, not strirred!
Honerable m.~ Pam Raid-Mosquito Operator
This is your Nation on drugs…
Brain Pam-age….,
Any Questions?
The New York City Housing Authority, and, HUD Residential Apartment Buildings, are Government Legislator's Officials Buildings; yes?
I Never seen Government Legislator's Official Buildings Look so Delapitated; I am talking about New York City Housing Authority Project's and Ghettos Building's.
* Just Wondering.
Thank You President Trump ❤ And Everyone Else ❤ God Bless You ALL and America 🌈
Thank you!! All of you America caring patriots!!
Have them contact me directly, I am available face to face only after how much misinformation has been available. I outrank all your wildest dreams of prominence or you station
Stop saying that it’s wrong because they keep attacking this Black girl. It’s wrong they are attacking this Basketball Player wether she is Black or White. Until we get to the sport and get the flipping COLOR OUT we will never ever reach a world that God calls us to live in.
Yes USC has more White students but that is EXACTLY what Clark went theough when she was being constantly slammed and beat on. It was more black doing it. I STILL said the same thing. They are ALl Players. Stop the Black and White crap.
Non profit status shouldn't be undocumented or lack oversight, there's no way for y'all to cover that one according to my numbers
Its awsome you guys are exposung this. Now, what happens to the fraudsters?
God is giving us a president that will bring back industry jobs to regain made in the USA I'm 63 I remember before Clinton gave China to come in on world trade organization (WTO) and all company's left over there Trump thanks 👍 America ❤ you.
I love the transparency! I don’t ever recall seeing this on a regular basis…it’s like having a front row seat on what is happening in our government! Awesome!!!
The common sense cabinet
I would have never guessed that “little Marco” would be in Trump’s team working side by side. Trump, the best President in our generation.
"Very Important Info For Every AMERICAN TAXPAYING CITIZEN NEEDS TO KNOW, TRUTH FACTS HONESTY And JUSTICE MATTER!!!" "The WORLD See's What Is Really Going On!!!" ❤❤❤ Just Saying!!!❤
22:17 lmao pam is great. I love how she just thanked elon and told him shes going to prosecute him. 😹 i have a feeling this tongue tie is going to be used as a soundbyte.
You can bet the Democrat politicians got a kickback on these horrible money put out by them!
Who is spraying us from the skys? Also, why is bill gates allowed to release misquitoes infected with disease from unmarked helicopters? Also why does the V.A. in batavia N.Y. still demand the vax to work there? My grandchild applied to cook and they told him no vax? No job.
The avengers are here baby 🇺🇸
21:49 lmao 🤣 i love the way trump phrases things sometimes.
Thank you President Trump and your amazing Team!❤️ 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️
It’s amazing how the mainstream fake news has brainwashed these weak people. You got a guy that’s a richest man in the world willing to sacrifice himself to save this country and they don’t see it .blows my mind.
These Cabinet Briefings are so refreshing the contrast from the last Administration is night and day
Finally, some transparency from our USA government.
Thank you, POTUS Trump, and your cabinet.
If they admit all this and don’t hold anyone accountable we WILL riot
So where should we start on this issue . Hey where was Donald Trumps wife from ? East side of the wall . When she was born it was under communist rule when his wife was born . Money money money I get it . But all B.S. aside he should be ashamed of him self, when he himself was married to an immigrant, and not just any because her birth certificate probably had a big old U.S.S.R. Who's watching who now a day's ? Is that the america he wants to bring back ? I just hear numbers . Treasurer who suit him really good.
I hope this team will be here forever.
Kids getting million dollar loans!
Best president has best team
I'm an over the road truck driver. I don't see fuel , gasoline or eggs going down. Either you're lyng, or we're getting the living crap gouged out of us. Which is it?
We would richer,no one could cheat ❤👍🇱🇷😊
Lock Stacey Abrams up
What about where to get the material to make the parts