Trump delivers remarks from Oval Office on education and more | Full press conference Subscribe at: https://goo.gl/vai8Eu Find …
He said it he loves the uneducated people and he is making more dumbs and dumper with eliminating DOE
What a load of BS
Who sent the astronauts up there but couldn't get them down?
Donald Trump is the best president this country has ever had, I thank GOD for this man and all the good these people are doing for this great country!!!
.Trump has worked to improve the country he loves, and while no leader is without flaws, his dedication to positive change is clear. However, Elon Musk’s trajectory has taken a troubling turn; what may have started with good intentions now seems to be causing more harm than good.
Honest people are losing jobs and livelihoods, while veterans' benefits have reportedly been slashed, pushing many toward homelessness. Corruption exists in every government, but Trump must do more than expose past misconduct—he must prove he is improving life for all Americans, not just the elite, as seen under Starmer in the UK.
Meanwhile, there is a glaring lack of transparency. Musk condemns government waste yet has received billions in taxpayer-funded subsidies. If public resources are propping up his ventures while Americans suffer, it raises serious concerns. Is he securing government funds for personal gain?
If so, Trump must put an end to it before it drags him down. Musk’s decline from innovator to reckless decision-maker is alarming. If his success was built on subsidies rather than ingenuity, his legacy must be reevaluated because achievements backed by billions and the work of thousands should not be credited to just one man.
That said, Trump is a man on a mission – to prevent WWIII – and this he will do. Whatever other challenges arise, he has spared many from war and global devastation. Americans should be proud to have him, while Musk, despite his unique potential, has become consumed by hate and a dangerous, power-driven mindset.
Gooo Trump
What the actual fu€|< is he talking about?? First of all, 67% of the country passionately disagree with the dissolution of the Department of Education. WE DO NOT WANT THIS!! We have never needed education more than we need it right now. Has he been reading “How to totally fu€|< up your country” by Pol Pot?? ALSO, “Norway, Sweden and Denmark?” Unless we’re getting free healthcare & higher education, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to compare what he’s doing to what they do.
Norway used to provide free education to ANYONE who wanted it. Anyone in the world could move to Norway & receive higher education for free. In 2023 that changed, and now only citizens of Norway, & permanent residents of Norway are able to receive free education. They’ve established the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), a professionally independent agency under the Ministry of Education and Research, which assures the quality of higher education in Norway. Citizens & permanent residents also enjoy free healthcare as a fundamental human right.
Sweden offers free higher education to Swedish citizens, citizens of the European Union, and permanent residents of Sweden until age 60.
Denmark citizens have free healthcare & education, including higher education. Anyone born in Denmark, Greenland, &/or the Faroe Islands, or those who have permanent resident visas can go to school for as long as they want, for free.
God bless President Trump.
Boing!! Didn’t they have major problems with really dumb mistakes?
Americans who cannot see what GREAT JOB you're doing are probably to busy watching the view.
Thank you, President Trump JD Vance and Elon Musk
😂😂😂😂😂 he keeps saying the same things 😂😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥❗️
Just like the old days. This is how it should be. Parents need a say
He ain't all there! Con Man Liar! He admitted Musk bought election for him!He wasnt elected by a majority!30% SAD!
Have mercy on the hoodies, is the Ayatollah that it needs to be blamed
Why is this guy dictating to Trump?
You Democrat reprobates are history 😁
Such a relief to have a president that actually does things 🙌🏼
I want to visit honorable president Trump's yacht! And I want to take a around the world
I think airplanes are cool -JD Vance
The rich stealing from the poor
This idiot orange face turkey neck devil
If it's almost done….. Biden approved? 😂😂😂
He's so intelligent to realize how complicated things are! An even more brilliant in understanding how to shuffle deck chairs around so it looks like you're doing something.
Make Israel Great Again. This guy is an absolutely owned shill for Israel.
And sober up bro
Chinese people are cool with me! Just like Confucius says, journey of a thousand miles come on starts from under your feet. So why don't you get a job
This dude is the king of hyperbole.
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
No more student loans peeps! We need to have more orange faced clown genes at (oh, I don't know) MIT and Princeton (just to name a couple)!
If a case is in front of ANY judge, the case is open. There is no nonsense that your gestapo has a flight over international waters. Any thing that judge says is LAW.
No person can argue that it is a done deal now. Judge say undo then this equal branch of govt, as powerful as that Orange Nazi kkknt, must be obeyed because only by a Courts authority can illegal directives be overturned.
He hopes to be around. I pray not.
Almost nobody