NEW: Trump delivers SHOCKING threat to Los Angeles Watch full interview with Governor Gavin Newsom: …
I’m in utter shock at this!
Damn i watched the whole video. This is so wrong!
you know what they do to rabid dogs…well, drumpf is one of those dogs..⚰️
East Palestine: "MAGA voted for it lol"
Los Angeles: "This is not funny, stop laughing"
LA just got what they voted for, just like East Palestine 🤔🤷
At this point I would not recite or even stand up for the Pledge of Allegiance. "One nation, INDIVISABLE, with LIBERTY and JUSTIC FOR ALL? Please!!!
It is Our Tax Dollars . Not Trumps. In March there will be a New Budget. They want $$$$ Unspent to divert to Slush Fund like Border Wall. Is what people say.
To trump, any disaster becomes just yesterdays news, when it ceases to be an opportunity to preach from his poison pulpit.
They are disgusting ! How can such human exist !?
You Dems got it all wrong. President Trump is for all Americans. Newsom and his Cronies are saying otherwise
Everybody should have known that Trump wasn’t going to do nothing to help those poor people in California. People have lost everything and Trump said on Spectrum News today that they need to have the water come through and it was a fish stopping the water from coming through to put the fires out! Dude is a devil!
We stand with you Californian.🫶🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦.
Does he know how much LA is paying for his secret service protection? Someone should remind him. that California and New York is paying his light in the red states.F…ing 🐀🐀🐀🐀🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Trump and his party should be asham8of their selves. Its really sad that other countries have given California money and fire trucks and personnel. My heart goes out to all the people in California.
Population control.. all of it
To deprive people of help is awful
I am a Christian but recently I am questioning my faith .How is it possible that these people are in power of such a great nation. I am a British citizen and Dutch from birth. Born in 1946 brought up in a country hurting for years after the second world war. And now we are going back to the adoration of fascists and money and billionaires. People are blinded and I can't help thinking of all the young men who are buried in Europe men who were so young should have had a good life in front of them in the U S, Canada, Australia, and other countries. People haven't learned anything 😢😢😢
America cannot flourish when 1/3 of the population are backwoods hillbillies who get their news from Facebook, and Fox entertainment. During the abortion debacle all we heard was states rights states rights, now apparently FEMA funds should be held from California because these buffoons don't like who we vote for. Perhaps we should stop sending the federal funds that support these red States and let their so-called leaders figure out how they should survive…
I voted for her. Now they are about ito see fofa…
Tuesday, November 3rd, 2026, every Seat in the House of Representatives and 33 in the Senate are up for re-election, 20 are currently Republicans, only 13 are currently Democrats.
Republicans are going to get their @$$'$ kicked even harder than they were in the 2018 Midterms, that time it was just over 10 Million.
Tit For Tat is the ultimate game winning strategy. Republicans are winning because there are little to no consequences for their awful behavior. Tit For Tat shouldn't be viewed as a petty child's response. Instead, it should be viewed as a strategy to hold bad actors in check.
What Game Theory Reveals About Life, The Universe, and Everything
@briantylercohen I remember in one of your videos that you mentioned that they are stooping this low because they know Democrats won't retaliate, and we must not, because we are too good for that. That's where you're wrong. Machiavelli knew that.
Machiavelli’s Advice For Nice Guys – "His thought pivots around a central, uncomfortable observation: that the "wicked" tend to win; and they do so because they have a huge advantage over the "good": they are willing to act with the darkest ingenuity and cunning to further their cause."
This A-hole is disgusting !!! He doesn’t give a crap about anyone but himself 😡👎
Sorry America… Welcome to "Trumperica"
You people voted the devil in office, this is disgusting how he treats people in a disaster. He’s pissed Canadains are helping out and saying people. Trump is the devil and you voted him in.
boycott all republicrime businesses are about to raise prices again there greed is incredible like them with all their lies
There is only 1 solution. 😢
California should declare independents from the USA.
This is a true dictator at work
. The whole world is weeping. 😢
Maybe blue states should just boycott sending tax dollars to the federal government.
Trump is one of the worst human beings to ever walk the earth and we have now put him in the office of the presidency for the second time
I am so happy i found another person JUST as concerned about trumps “power“ as i am.
Mike Johnson is evil
california should keep their fed taxes, they give so much might as well keep that money since the feds don't wanna help them back
Elon Musk was helping the fire in California you just don't hear about that because the Democrats don't want you to know in that one beautiful Bill don't have nothing to do with the fire that's politics and you know you're smarter than that don't act stupid
This guys an idiot.
Well done, Brian 🙏