How likely is an all-out win for Putin? What do Saudi Arabia and UAE think about Trump? What is behind the protests in Serbia?
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Absolutely wonderful exposition of a really meaningful Christianity, Rory. Thank you.
What or who do you think follows Trump? Is he thinking about the succession?
The cards metaphor is tiring
How quickly you moved away from what is happening in Serbia to talking about Hungary! I have been waiting for you to say something about the students protest in Serbia for months, and when you do, you say nothing. I cannot help but think it is deliberate. Just like the EU. The last elections in Serbia were blatantly stolen, ridged but the EU Commission accepted it saying that Vucic has done it "elegantly". OEBS have stated that tge elections were ridged. The EU Commission supports dictatorship in Serbia and I would really appreciate to hear your understanding about why is EU supporting him and what he doesto his own nation. The students' protests are against corruption, there can be no free election without changing corrupt system. And yet EU is supporting that system. That is why there are no EU flags at the protests. You did not say anything about the people rising against corruption in hundreds of towns across Serbia. Students have woken up people. My understanding is that the EU is doing what is doing because there is a possibility for the uprising of their young people in their countries, that these kind of protests may spill over and ignite people to stand up to their governments. The students protest and movement in Serbia are a kind of tectonic movement and EU is turning a blind eye to it. I am so disappointed because it seems you too are doing the same.
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Careful Rory, it sounds a bit like you're justifying the holding of hostages. For all the time between the 7 Oct 2023 attacks and now, the hostages have still not all been released.
I enjoy your podcast and the visitors you invite sometimes. Can I suggest that you have a visitor who does not agree with most of the things you say…. such as Jeffrey Sachs.. it would be interesting to get your take on his analysis of Ukraine and Gaza
So glad you brought in Jack Watling! He and Mikhail Kofman together are exceptional on Russia.
Please can we have a little bit more honesty about who actually broke the Gaza ceasefire terms? 'Both sides' doesn't work any more I'm afraid, we all see it for what it is.
Also, Israel hasn't been a liberal democracy in a long time, if ever. Since 2006 it has been holding 2 million people in a tiny area blockaded by land, sea and air. Maybe it is a liberal democracy for Jewish Israelis, but then that's how you should describe it.
Re. Rory's comments about faith in the end- so much of that I can relate to as a practising Muslim. There are things we just aren't supposed to know the truth of, at least not yet, and that's OK.
how an ex-atheist says he needs god for meaning is beyond me. Nothing he said about humility or socialism needs one. Those are there own things with their own meaning.
smack smoker
Good news – US judge says they must rehire all they fired without cause, which was everyone I suppose. Bad News – looks like they are really going to invade Greenland. JD Vance and his wife just took a tour of Greenland.
Does Rory care about Mrxican sovereignty? Wait until China puts weapons in Mexico on invitation from the elected Mexican government. Fat chance. Be a realist. NATO in Ukraine is an existential threat to Russia. Get used to it.
Listening to people talk about their faith only reveals the vacuous nature of faith. Unverifiable, only a reflection of the psychology of the person concerned. Few 'people of faith' have little in common. They can't agree if their creator is a man , a woman or a concept.
Rory, It is interesting to hear about your Christian faith. It seems you are relatively new to it.
With regard to the Virgin birth, the resurrection and miracles I can understand how the modern mind set, the influence of the 'enlightenment' can lead to doubts about the Bible.
However, the Gospels are testimony about Jesus. What we read is the claim that as incredible as it may seem these events happen.
The Virgin birth story, for example, tells us Mary and Joseph knew where babies come from. Mary questions how she could become pregnant if she has never had sexual relations with a man. Joseph, when he discovers Mary is expecting a child, decides to separate from her.
We can make a similar case for the resurrection.
The question is whether we believe the testimony of the writers or not.
The Christian faith rests on these facts.
really dissappointed on the climate answer. UK just needs to lead!!!! set your budget to accelerate the cleantechnology. its falling rapidly in cost, but it can be accelerated even faster. just do your part and realize the more you do now, the faster the costs of the solutions go down and poorer countries to decarbonize affordably. UK is at like 20-25% EV, but china is over 50%. energy storage needs more cost declines. so any money UK spends on energy storage is crucial as it lowers the costs for poor countries.
UK's budget for climate action does not have to be massive. it does not have kill industry. it just needs clear, consistent, and urgent action. additionally, it should be positive. we can celebrate a little bit that we have the solutions to prevent the absolute worst case scenarios provided fossil fuel lobby does not find a way to stop the solution nefariously.
sorry us Americans are laggards, but we have morons like trump who deny it. in our blue states we were doing our best.
UK should look at the example of Germany 25 years ago when they started the cleantech revolution. aspire to be a leader.
All about foreign affairs b/c what is your shitty Labour government doing? Nothing to say about that? Neolibs.
Rory very misinformed about energy and climate. ☹️
Its interesting to listen to Rory talk about faith, I fell off the chrstian wagon many years ago after becomming disssalusioned with fellow chuch goers. It wuld be great to sit down with Rory and see what we could hash out
At the end of the day I only hope that French and Germans ( mostly the Germans) understands that they have been made by the Americans and the Brits. The big looser of the Ukrainian war is Germany. Deprived of Russian resources having to buy it at higher prices to get supplied and now looking at the Americans closing a multipurpose deal with the Russians. Americans and their useful idiots Brits served Germany right.
Alastair, you aren't being too harsh on Trump. If anything, too soft.
October 8th fades into insignificance compared to what Israel have done to the Palestinian people. I'm at the point where I couldn't give two hoots about October 8th.