In this episode of the Alex Marlow show, Alex discusses insights from Trump on the Democrat party, legal challenges faced by the …
Example of someone waving two hands: someone is backing up a car into you; another: someone is almost passed out and you wave your hands in front of the face and shout: HEY!!! you okay? 3) you are an extra in another matrix movie….. :>)
May I suggest a Windsor Knot for your ties? not hard to learn. Call The Donald and get a lesson.
TSLA – $225 and dropping? on contraire, mon ami! Friday – $248.71 – was going to buy a share, as per Webb show, but it's on the rise.
Love your show on YouTube. I feel badly for Elon Musk. These bats*** crazy leftists are out of control. Desperation is a dangerous state of mind.
The Canadian is a good match for Kamala. And Jasmine sounds VERY dangerous
Tim Walsh, rooting against American Industry. An abomination
Listening to Carney is a torture. Why was he elected the head of the Bank of England?
The Left absolutely detests America. Our Constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights, is an anathema to everything Leftists hold sacred. They wish to have a totalitarian country where government reigns supreme and are the arbiters of what the populace can or can't do based upon their moral authority. When I hear Dems or their surrogates in the media talk about "constitutional crises" I shake my head. If they were honest, they'd come out and say that the U.S. Constitution inhibits their ability to mold the country in their vision.
Just started watching the show last week. i don't know what took me so long to get on board. I loved the morning radio show when I was truck driving. I think the show is awesome, and I hope it catches on. Your takes on the politics of today are very insightful and i think spot on for the most part. Your energy and sense of humor are what i admire the most. Best of luck, and thanks for all you do. Big fan here!!!
I vote for keeping the straw, and a plastic one at that!
I love your dress shirt! Brand? Fantastic look today.