The world’s most astonishing science experiment, simply explained. Subscribe for more optimistic science and tech stories! On the …
Aliens come to earth will not be impressed with your knowledge. They will probably eat your head.
Put $100 billion dollars into curing cancer
Dark matter matters
what an incredible 3 am video to watch
Que canal fantástico!
That's some interstellar ahhh shit right there, and I'm too hill Belly to understand it.
El Psy Kongroo
Under peoples homes is criminal and unsafe idiots
Love this ❤
Eres fenomenal! Tu estilo me agrada y es revitalizante.
Yes, You opened a hole in the dimensional wall releasing demons into the physical realm for the Great Tribulation. Thanks lady.
Waste of money. They achieved nothing over the years. One of the biggest scum in science history. The second one, right after this one, is TOKAMAK thermonuclear fusion experiments.
You all will get clear picture about this when you meet angle of death. consider this calculation average human life is 60 years
60Year * 365 = 21900 Days
21900 * 24Hour = 525600 Hours
525600 Hours * 60Min = 31 536 000 Min. Lets calculate balance minutes based on our age. from the death gate we do not carry at least debris of our nail accept Good Deeds. Read Holy Quran get educated before end.
arguing that fundamental research spending needs a higher priority relative to defence sounded alot better before ukraine.
I have been in the secret control setter of this lab.
Create a black hole so that everything gets sucked into it. Ending life as we know it.
Glad you have that subatomic particle deflecting hard hat just in case 🤍
Homelessness just got worse
Simple hagan uno más chico y de ahí se daran cuanta si uno más grande cambiara resultados
Of course, they must apprise their superiors if there is even some slight problems they suspect or detect in the system.
my child we are production of d n a of what we are originally a i intelligence
even if and when you find out it was all wasted time
maybe L S D look inside your mind save some money because angles hit the ground running tod infinity
the right track is world earth peace before we have to prepare and begin again over and over again
you didn't need math when you feel what is true love hope understanding awareness of consciousness tod infinity chapter 8
as i said oblivion infinity dark matter either way is what is the difference between space and understanding of what is going on with the universe thank you tod infinity
study of nothing dark matter either is what you are looking for it is all around us all the time just can't see it for most people anyway i love you all i will do what i can to help tod infinity
how about love life energy spirit never dies change form inside of everything everyone all the time tod infinity
be careful one is with us i am nothing what is time illusion truth of what is going on with the universe you play a game not knowing what is the rules of what why a child game to understand what is
So how do they use the boson thing ?