Check out the Full Podcast Here: https://youtu.be/bzmkFZDWwbM Shane travels for our first one on one with Bill Maher!
Everybody in the comments is definitely far left they hate to see this its all insults and rage and denial news isn’t supposed to be one sided
I don't trust anyone with a face like that and eyes that small.
How dumb is this nonsense
This guy needs to sue someone cause they really messed up his face.
Is his facial hair just makeup or a rub-on tattoo?
Hahahaha. Why didn't they get rid of him long ago? Dumb
This guy looks like a reptilian clone from beyond the moon.
What is wrong with his face? looks like a 2016 filter
Vice sucks now, thanks for making it so obvious.
Wasn’t he supposed to drain the swamp when h was actually in office?
Remember to take your meds people. Are conspiracies real and happening ALL the time? Yes. It gets dangerous when you start making wild baseless speculations though
basically all of US presidents
Murdoch getting his money worth out of Shane.
Oh yea Trump was so hard on the "deep state" during his first term… He won't do anything lol.
Deep state nonsense?
No, its the billionaires, our economic royalty.
Just as fd up as the old hereditary type.
Think France 1789……
And have a lovely day.
alien hybrids run the show
When reality becomes crazy, the people giving facts are labeled crazy.
Im listening…
It won’t matter the deep state won’t let trump be president again.!!! Unfortunately it’s kabala 2024 .!
Stop food companies from poisoning us! Trump 2024🎉
Next Vice interview: The Sensible Roseanne Barr
Did somebody take the Vice name?
Did this guy draw on his facial hair lmao
His facial hair looks like it was drawn on with a no.2 pencil.
How long do you think you can push this b***** deep state propaganda it works for Trump supporters But it doesn't work for the educated
What is deep state??
Only a complete moron would seriously take the so-called Deep state as something real.
Really Vice?!!
Look at how many trolls in here acting like none of this is fact when we all know the deep state is terrorized of trump, just like they were of Kennedy.
When did this channel get hijacked?
it's like this site has heavy dementia all of a sudden.
A reminder that you can go to the 3 dots and report this misinformation to YouTube. Vice, why are you peddling looney conspiracy theories?‽! So disappointing. Do I need to unsubscribe?
This dude is a nut bar.
Oh shut up with this deep state bs.
What gives? Vice always seemed like a reliable outlet. Now they have Trump conspiracy shitboxes spreading their manure on their channel? What? Did Vice get some new ownership since their financial troubles?
This is a dumba## channel!!!
Either you need to check your facts… or you are a liar.
Either way… less Botox is more, as with most things
Trump absolutely will not publish any confidential info or else it will reveal all the ways he is compromised. This deep state nonsense is the same exact fascist narrative that's been used time and again by tyrants.
That's it, unsubscribing.
I mean this in the best possible way, he is delusional!
Nov 6th is gonna break a lotta you special snowflakes 🫠
Funny faced Trump fanboy nut job
The deep state is actually the capitalist class, or the bourgeoisie in Marxist terms. It is the colonial big war apparatus. The police with 40% domestic abusers.
So vice is now platforming trump conspiracy theorists
No one can dodge bullets but by God.
And even the Federal Reserve won't dodge DOGE 🐶