Developed economies around the world are loaded up with debt. That was less of a problem in the era of free money but …
Look at the rich stats! Why the rich are getting richer and government poorer? This ft video is just scratching around the problem…
the only country in the west that trying to fight this debt issue is USA, but ofcourse all the EXPERTS are skeptic. now I'm sure it will work
It's all a sickening deception perpetuated and designed to dupe the masses.
Governments through increased public spending are essentially further enriching and empowering a smaller, narrower, wealthy private constituency from whom they then borrow back from to sustain this vicious circle.
This egregious iniquity is further compounded by their consistent failure to tax them properly and, bizarrely, often leads to them being offered tax cuts under the premise that they are societies' 'wealth creators' and without which there would be little incentive to 'invest'.
Wasnt liz truss fault , was the banks fault
They gave away value added manufacturing to China and Asia so we could become debt loaded consumers- merchants like Amazon became enormously wealthy and took the cash off shore- government debt should only be for infrastructure investment.
'There's nothing wrong with borrowing. It's what makes a financial system work'
The closing lines there are broadly true, but in whose overall interests is this (increasing) borrowing by government being done ultimately?
They gave away value added manufacturing to China and Asia so we could become debt loaded consumers- merchants like Amazon became enormously wealthy and took the cash off shore- government debt should only be for infrastructure investment.
The government doesn't care about running up large debt because they know it will not be their responsibility to pay it back. The government will put the burden on the people to pay back the debt, through increasing taxes.
I love the random lines the from Stephanie Kelton that contradict the whole narrative of this video. Hard to make a sensationalised video if you include more of people that actually understand the situation. Governments have already intuitively learned over time that the "debt" panic is complete fiction. There is no consequence to continued controlled deficit spending. In fact, the rate of unemployment tells us that there is actually room for more of it. The supplier is not meeting the current demand. It's like a manufacturer keeping a tally of everything it has sold to customers and calling it debt; functionally makes 0 sense.
29:10 lady talking is the key part of the video.
Gold isn't going up so much as the entire fiat system is sinking.
defending their neoliberal point of view
Everything in moderation.
The "geniuses" who got us here aren't gonna do a dam thing. Gold is money. Everything else is credit.
Donald Trump stands up and says, “The economy under my leadership? It’s so great, even my hair’s got a raise!”
A reporter asks, “But Mr. Trump, what about unemployment?”
Trump smirks and replies, “Unemployment? It’s just taking a break before coming back stronger than ever—like everything I do!”
Donald Trump walks into a room and says, "I’ve got the best economy, folks. It’s so good, even the numbers are *making money*."
A reporter asks, “Mr. Trump, what about the deficit?”
Trump grins and replies, “The deficit? Don’t worry, we’re just rebranding it. It’s going to be *huge*—bigger than ever!”
Donald Trump walks into a room and says, “The economy is doing so well, folks, it’s like I built it with my own hands!”
A reporter asks, “But Mr. Trump, what about inflation?”
Trump grins and says, “Inflation? We’re not calling it that. We’re calling it *‘tremendous value expansion’*!”
Bull cases for gold repeated over and over and over again
The FT literally does not understand how a fiat currency works! A national deficit is literally the same number as the national savings. If there is too much debt, and if we are addicted to deficits, then there must also be too much savings and addiction to savings. The number is the same, however you want to cut it.
Gold is the only insurance
Excellent video thanks FT
Yup, after decades of brainwashing, people don't understand that to solve the debt, we'd have to be like -20% GDP growth for like 10 years. Sure, we could wrangle in the debt, but do you really want to hand off the #1 economy and #1 currency status off to China or something? What's it worth to you? Enough that you would pay? Or do you want everything handed to you for nothing?
The hedge fund consort is completely corrupt and she has no place in this video
Sorry Mr. Giles on 1:12 but Germany joined the group with the unleash of its € 1.5T "special program" ( approved by the old government that was voted out thanks to a loophole in their constitution ) 😂
allowing the rest of us to net save , who is the economically incompetent woman ? Stephany Kelton of loony brook uni , the government debt is out of control but so is the consumer debt american consumers are 18 trillion in debt
we desperately need wealth taxes , if they did an 80% wealth tax on assets over 100mil that would get us (the uk ) a trillionish back of the 2.8 trillion we owe
15:00 government deficit is NOT a surplus! It is negative imbalance between tax revenue plus profit from government-owned enterprises and spendings.imho..
They purposely avoided talking about how INFLATION causes Currency Debasement / Devaluation and how that directly impacts earning,savings and cost of living over 2,5,10,20 years. Stealth Impoverishment of the masses to sustain the few 😢
I have read that tax payments to the IRS may drop by $500 billion because of a belief that the IRS will not be able to audit hardly any business or rich person.
When the Government is paying debt with credit it's fine but when I do it I get treated like a criminal
Read mmt
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