Witness recounts confrontation between Russell Westbrook and Jazz fan.
Witness recounts confrontation between Russell Westbrook and Jazz fan.
Yelp that Utah alright. I'm a Native Utahhan. I've been called alot of names as well haha.
That's why I quit mormonism
What happened to all the Mormon values Utah claim to have?
This would not be news if Russ wasn't a soft ass with soft ass defensive groupies ….
Camo hat just screams racist
"Get on your knees like you used too" sounds more like a gay joke…
Lol you were further away with yelling fans lol bullshit you didn't even know what was said eyes darting around is a sign of someone lieing psychology 101 ..
Good luck Asians/African Americans in Utah. It's double edged sword, their racist yet go to these sporting events with black/African athletes playing. Some sick mentally disturbed people. Logically thinking is gone I guess. Of course not all of Utah is like that. I hope.
He was wearing Jordan brand jacket
He doesn't really look like the guy in the picture. And kinda funny he is legit the closest black man you can find to the heckler…lol because you couldn't have a white witness so you found the only black guy in the picture and interviewed a rando black guy on the street llololllolo
Utah is racist as shit. And it’s a different kind of racist. It’s like a kid with parents in the klan who just meets a black guy for the first time. Just racist slurs with no context, no reason, and confusion on why people are mad about it.
Utah doesnt have racist people….yeah and im a 9ft midget running around California selling sugar cookies to the public…..Sounds dumb right, so does people saying Utah or this country rather isnt racist
Utah is not racist!!!
In 1978 the Mormons actually recognized black people, as people!!! They're still not allowed in positions of power, but, at least they recognize them as humans.
Eastside Low Bottoms shit !
Deferment J Chump has made it quite comfortable for these neanderthals to crawl out from the crevices they've been hiding in !
It's Utah… more than just a few bad apples, I'm sure….
Never understood the mentality of people who say racist comments at a basketball game where players are majority black.
That white man looks racist I hope Westbrook wins the case in court blacklivesmatter ✊🏿.
Liar liar westbrooks pants are on fire
Fuck utah
Jazz fans be like, "We got the lightest skinned black guys in the league!"
Fuck Utah and it's racist fans
They "witness" said he was not sure who said what when it got really racist.
Racist people in Utah? Noooooo
Again, we have Blacks believing they can threaten, assault, and even kill a White person by simply claiming something racial was said. "Hey Westbrook! Go get You Shine-Box!" See, it's all good fun. Unless you a self serious half breed trying to be Black by making shit up on White people and then showing ones Blackness by physically assaulting them. $25,000! Is more a moral victory..
Get on your knees fuckin racist
Racist white people
Half the black population of Utah was in this video. 97% white in Utah and you all are expecting what exactly?? I don’t have a problem with racists. Be who you are and live in your own racist utopia with your own racists people. Just stay away from the rest of us who aren’t.
black folks always over react too shit haha just how yall boys are going to with this comment .
I would like to show Westbrook some real racist behavior.
did he? did he wang in?
They said wrap your knees. Total over reaction
innocent? 🤔